foule~exalting humiliation. · Rep. Bur,alas,faiefr thou, perhapsmymifcries are tranfcendent, and matchleffe, &c. other mens ' ·are butflea-bitings tomy fcorpions. Well, but for all that, fhould all the,men in the world come, and bring their grievances toge– ther, ofbpdy, mind, outward efrttte, fores, vlcers, agues, epilepfies,madnes, aches, and all th~fe cmu– mon calamities, beggerie, want 1 fervicude, difgra– ce~ baniibment, imprifonment, &c. and lay them · all onan heape, to bee equally divided, wouldefr theu {barealike,and take thy portion, or be as thou .art? Without queftion, thou wouldefr beeas thou · art ; I am perfwaded the moll: afflicted man that heares me thisday' would far rather abide as he is. See 5. more ·io this purpofe inmy f;rmon upon that Text, rhyword iJ alatJthorne, &c. Ptl.'l.. 1. &c. . Let every one tbatrefraines from evill, bath gi– venhis name unto.Chrifr., and expects a crowae, preparefrill for frefh incounterswit-h ungodly op– - pofitions, and fortifie their hearts againll: affliCtions tocome; by fuch helpsas thefe. 1 Treafure up that noble~precious vertue, pa.ti– ence, as afpectall counrerp01fon to abate& abohlh the fi:ing and venome ofall croffes andaffiictions, andasacordiaiJ tohold up thy heart in thebitternes and eltremity .of them. This patience is an holy ver.tue planted by Gods fpirit in afanctitied heart, , . 'whereby out ofan acknowledgement and fenfe of Godswifdo~e,goodne1fe,power, providence)&c. wewillingly and conframlypaffe through all per– fecutionsand ungodly oppofitionsforGods caufes, and wharfoever othercro1fe~, and correttions, his Bb wife 21 Helpes againft a.fflct~ons.