24 I TheSaints nareneffe by reafon ofhis ownetafre and e.xperi. ·ence, will fortifie thee with fufficientfrrength be– fore hand, uphold theewith his all- powerfull pre- . fence in the midfr ofthem, andwill at length mofr - G·ouge I7o rr~. glorioufly deliver thee indefpiteofthe deviil and the whole world. · 6 .. Godwill ever fit his affiictions to the fpirituall ftrengrh ofche partie. We have apromife, upon whkh in all our troubles and trials, wee may build, as upon the furefr rocke. He will never Jt-tjfer m to be tempted~bov_e r.ht~.t wee areable, I Cor. xo. I l· Ancl, That hi.r grace Jhatl be fufficient for m, I Cor• I' 2. 9,. ·where he hath laid thefieavieft load, there he hath ' giv~n the greateh: itr.t'ngth ; and where there is abundance ofaffiict:ions, there hee befiowes ·abua.. .dance ofpatience, faith, and othergraces, that we 'may bear,eand overcome them. The prudent com– 'mander impJoyes 'his fonldiers according to their ·worth and valour. In an high enterprife bee makes :not choyce of frefh-water'd, and .white-liver·d fmildiers, but of the moft valorous and approved.. A difcreet Schoole- mafter gives the longeft and . hardefr leffons to beelearned~ to the m·ofi pregnan~ and capable wits, not to dullards. The skiJfull Ar– mourer·doth not trie common ,armour with muf– ket-fhor, but tbatofproofe ~ The wife Lalf'idary tries not.the tender·ChriftaHQr fufrer fton~sbythe ftiddy and hammer, but the A:.-lamant, which is readiertO<brufe iron andJl:eele : The carefull huf.. bahdman threllieth not the vetches, with a threfh– ing iflftrument, neither turnes a cart•wheele about upon the Cummin, but beat~s the one out wi~h a. / fiaffe,