Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

Joule-exalting humiliation. ·fiaffe,and the other with arod. See~(a.z~.27.Now fith God hathgi-ven this wifdom and difcretion vn- -to men( I[(l.O. 8. 2 6.)himfelfcis infinitly more-merci– fully wife to fit his trials to the ~frengtn of)is chil. dren ; tingling out his valiantefr fouldiers for the: firongefl: incounters) his beH fcholrers fort he har– defl: leffons, his choicefr armour for highefi proofe, hi~ harddt adamants for the mqfi fiee!y anvile,&c. Hence it was that Abraham the father of the faith– full; !fb, the jufrefi man upon earth; David, aman ,. after Gods owne heart ; Paul, abounding in the 2) - _riches ,of fpirirnall graces, were pm unto ir : but weake ones are more eafily dealt with. See I_(a.48. · 1 o. God out ofhis love and mercy;'hath meafured out fuch a certaihe fl:int and proportion of attHfri– ons mrto everyone ofhis children, as ~n wifdome he knowes firtefi for them; and'that borh in refpefr ofquantide and continuance : In whiCh refpefr, as there is no croffe and calamity, which is nor fore– appointedofGod, fothe E}Uantitie, howmuch~and the time, how l0ng, is al(e> by,rh~fame wifdome :·1 aFidprovidence'ordained in filCh an exatt manner) . that as iris impoffible for any man to fr~e himfeJfe in whole,orin parr, fromany ofthat meafure which isaHottedunr:ohimprtoprevent itfromcommin;: , 1 , ·,· or ro efc:ape from ir being come; before rne ap~ ~ pointeq rime :foitis alike impoffible thataHc_he po- ·,- .wer of the devils, or men fhoutdaddeorie ~ramf.p e' . to rhe weight, or one mil'lut·e t0 the _time ofoura'f.. .. iil!Cl:ions, m0re than that proporqon whkh God by . , Ius powerfi1Uwifdome harh fbaredour unk> them: ;as God hath taid to the waters ofthe fea:,-.foa:fo ro thefe •• '-<