Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

·TheSaints thefefloodsot"affiicron: Hitherto fhallye colfle,.and no further, and here jha!l thy pro11d waves bee flaid, tob 38. u. ~ 7 Looketothefecaveats. Ifweexfpecr;comfort;,· boldneffe and joyin our fufferings, let us bee fure, I That th~ matter and ground for which we futfer' · · bee fubfi:antiall and found. z That our hearts bee upright, and aime principally at ,Gods glory; not at vaine-glorie , profit , or any private end. 3 That no finne lie upon our confi:iences ; elfe the. confcioufnetfe of that will nip and blafr all fweet~ ~chry(.ill .Ma·t~ neffe and comfort, which fhould naturallyfpring p~g-"16' outofourfufferings. \· < 8· k Let not thecanker ofcarnall joy-in the ·mean · 1 InoMlibtt~ time eatouttheheartoffpiritual1. But ever prize cegit61tiunibr~s, d fc h . f h r. l .J }' h f loc~ttionib;u, fian pre ert e JOY o t e tOll e, ue tg ts o grace,re-, veaGt1br~tuiJ~ frefhings ofthe HolyGhofr,infinitly before world– iictibi,Iwualy pleafures, eafe,or anyearthly thing. 'For having· ieres,[ibanc[ci· res pro ,erto noacquainted and inured our felves to delight inGod> viffimam vitre , and with inward~ud fpii-ituall comfort,we fhall en– ~~:.Q:0~~;3r ..- joy them as glorioufly at plentifuUy in the darkefr togitttre v~l medungeon> as in the noontide ofworlaly protperi ty. dilarim4111 : 911 WalkewithGodinthemeanetime;byarule TJeo?rttimefcas, lfuodi1Z pr.e[enand daily direfrion; watch over thy heart; ,morti- · ti~thomimtm· difie thy paffions, lufi:s, corruptions, beloved finne ;-~ ~~:b~xt~~:re ' nand at the fwords point .with thy mofr beloved . [cim, quDdpeut fin· Get an habit ofheavenly-mindednes, patient tJtr verba -oet difcretion-&~.In aword,bevery remperate,honeft,· faflil imzoU{ci- • " mmfmnini,fic holy. For the more confcionable a man bath been ni"'i•·u~n ptrcq. in the meane time, the lelfe power will the croffe ~~}c~'::t:~~t have over him, when it comes upon him. It was JPiritui,,ol. the faying ofa reverend man;Where fin lies heavy, IIJJ. the