Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

foule-exalti'!g, humiliation. 'by magnified and made moft illull:rious. The hearts of his children are thereby moll: corn· forted, and filled with thankfulneffe and joy. 1 he enemies are moft confounded. Let all true hearts know, that the deeper they fink either into remporall or {pirirual! miferies,rhe p,ea· rer they are to ddiverance. For the performance wherof(for he is truth it felfe)he bath, 1 Hisowne onmipot~nt arme, wch can beat thegreatefr moun · rain te> powder ,and rem the hardeft rock in peeces, &c. l Innumera_ble hofisofAngels;of wrh QFl~ kil– ledan 1 85ooo. in one night, lf'a. 37. ·56. _together wirhall the bolt ofheaven and earth, even to lice, and rhe fmallefi vermin That faire jglorious Giant, which with incredible fwifmes runs poft,as i~ were, through the skie) every day to fiand frill, or retire: the impetuous current ofrhe raging fea tt> recoile, the mercileffe flames of the hungry fire t.J become a fofi and.refreihing aire, t:he impla.:abie fury ofrhe moft inraged lions to cooch at firfi: word, for his fervanrs fcikc and faf.ety.Nay ,hehathworms and lice ifneed be,to frt<::h blood from theproudeil: ty– rant upon earth~and toeatour the heart and bowels ofche mofi boifierom-Nianr.1d, or highefi inunarch rhar: weares acrowne upon his head,ifhe oppofe his people. He hath the hands and confciences of con– tradia:ers,to bring their own blood upon their o\Yn heads, and even hell upon the!r hearts in this life. . In aword , every godly man fweetly-refisunder hiS wings, whowirh one word is able to-rurne an the creatures in the world into hell, nay, even with the breathofhis mouth; to turne hell) and heaven, and eu-th, Rea[. r. 3 Vft )