Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

., \ ·r!JeSaints earth, ancl all things into nothing. ·3 He canwork · for thy deliverance. 1 Byhimfelfe without means as it is in-this fiorie.- So bee defrroied Pharoh) Exotl.· • . I 4· Overt~rew Iericho.lo[. 6. Drive backe Sent~che~ rib.2..Kinf,.l9.See 1 chro. 14.and!'King.6. 2 Byweak .means .So GideoDt3oo.prevailecl, Iud.7~TheKings ofsodnme were overthrowne, G~n. 1 4~ See alfo r Sam 14.and 17.Tud.4.and 9· 3 CC>ntraryto meanes• . So Daniel was preferved, Dan. 6./~nah Ion.1. The three children• .See Jo[. thefnnfiood fi:il1. Here then is comfort ·for the CJ.tureh) upon whom God ihewes miracles ofmercy in all ages. Admonition to the enemies and perfecutors of Gods peopie) ife'"ver they will be warned. Da:refi: thou grapple with the omnipotencie9fGod?canfi: thou difarme thofeangelicall fpirits, addrefr for the defence ofhii ch~fen ? Darefi thou venture to ptdl afignet from the· ~rongand,mightie ~rme Qf Jefus . Chrifi ? Canft thou lay acountermand upon the · creatures, againft the charge oftheir Creator? &c. If fo, then maiell: tliou hope to pull a poore hum– bled foule f)Ut of the fhadow ofthe Almightie,and from under the wings ofthe inoft ·high. Breakeoff then berimes thy plots , and pefiilent d~vices againfl: the peopleof God, left the fword that thou haft dr:twen, enter into thine owne heart; and thy dung-hill, implacable , and murderous malice re– rurne wi~hvengeance upon thine owne pate. Af– furedly thou fbalt neverprevaile !-thou haft againfi thee, heaven and earth, fuR and moone, and tbe {e– ven frars, as they fay. Nay, ifthou conquerin thy fiding and fettingagainfl: the Saints, thou art confounded -=----------------~----- -.