Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

-~-=--' ~ --~--~--~--------------------- TbeSaints Rraf. Yfo I. -- 1 Imminent, If.t. 2 2. 12. Jonah3. 5) 6• . 't.Chro. · 2o. 3· z Prefent,asfclmine, toel t. r4.andz.u. : I 5. The (word, to[. J.6.Judg.2o. Our Eighty eight. ! Captivi·rie, Dan. 9·3· &icknefle, 2 Sam.r:z •.I6. and Pfol. 3~·i3. PefHlence, t Kin_~· 8. 37,3 8. 2 Sam. t4. . Before I proceed further in this point, let m.e tell you thlt it ~s gathered our ofthe third verfe, whete– in-w.e may take notice of l ehofhaphatJgracious carri– age in hi:;greatdifrrefie. · 1 His fenfiblenelfe and apprehenfion of Gods nandupon him. .And!ehofhaph.zt feared. . : . Whence let us learne; Ob[. To bee fenfibie of.Gods vifiring hand, whenfoever or in what kind foever itfhall feize upon us, See Ruth 1. 2o. . · f That we may acknowledge his RoyalJ Jprerogative in beingthe inflicter ofall puaifhmenr. . ' 2 Thatweemayremonttratetoourowne con– fciences, that w€ are the ingenuous children ofour heavenly father, by taking to heart the Ieafi imi– mat ion ofhis di fJ'leafnre againfi us. 3 That we tnaymake way eo profit byhisfather– . ly chafl:ifements. Reproofe ofall thofe, who affefr and difcover a fiaicall apathy and infenfibilitie this way, and in fuch cafes have recourfe onlv unto the arme·offlefh when theyareaffii[ted with,difi;afes, and dangerof death, they look nohigher than to the hand ofthe Phyfi tian, they depend oneIyupon the power of phyGck for their deliverance and recovery: many times in their loffes and dil1:ref.fes, they will have recourfetowizards,andwifemen,as theycali them: as