--~--~--------~----~------~--~~ Joule~exalting !Jamiliation. 33 as Batakhad, Nttm. 2 'l. 5· andSaul.> 1 St7m.. ·28.8. 14. and Ama~iah, z King.t, z. and Haman, Eflh. 3· 7· andNebuchadnezzer, Ez.c~. 21 ·. _21. See 1fo. 19. 3· · when they are troubled with nielancholie, heavy,-' , heartedndfe, and perhapsho~rour for fin ne, their medicine isonelyoutward mirth) merry company, and the unhalowed pleafures of good-fellowfhip) when theysre inmifery&wanc.)they.dependupon their wics_and rhe ir owne coufeningand fhifting for bettering their efi:ate) but they never are affefred with,or rake notice ofGods hand in all thefe.)and to be humbled under it. - -- Let us learqe, and tabour to get and keepe foftVfe 2. nelfe and ft: nfibleneffe in our hearts thiswiy ; that we m;ty fuffer Gods fatherly chafrifemems to have a full and fruit full effect up0n us. For we-ought-to profit and make progreffc in the whole body of Chriftianity by affiictions; as we fhewed you under the fecond reafon of the firfl: dotl:rine from this place. Now fenflefneffe and fottifhnelfe under the croffe is a·barre againfr all this fpirituall good. Ir-js prefent fpeedy addretfe towards Jehovah in 2 his deepefl: diftretfe. And he [et himfel[f to fleke the Lord. Whence take this note. OJ,f. In all ourdi(trdfes and dangers wee mufl: have our recourfe to Jehovah. \ Rea[. I. Becaufe ·our fins are the cau!C ofall our I farrow. Our own wickednes worketh our woe.See . Deut" 28·!).whatacatalogueofcurfesdogdifobc•. cfience toGods law atrheheels.Ifthcn we would be rid out ofmiferies) weemu!l: renounce ou·r fins;the true caufes ofallour croffes,& have recourfe toGod. C.c 2 God