Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

34 Vfe The Saints z God is the author and inflicter of all punifh– mentsand inflictions·:~ Amos 3· 6. Job 5· 6. whofoe– ver, whatfoever be the inftruments in the infliC:l:ions of punifhments, and the executioners of his jufr vengeance upon the fonnes of Adam, God himfelfe hathever thechiefefr frroke, aprindpall hand, and the'greatefi fway in the great varietie of all man. ner ofviGtations andvexations for finne. 1here– fore recoveryfrom our trouhl~depends upon our reconcilement and recourfe to him. 3 God alone harh {ov.craigne and unrefiftable power to deliver and fer free from all miferies and · vexatioss. He only killethandgivcth lif(,, neither is there any that can deliverout ofhis hand. Hee 1loneat his pleafure can bridle and reftraine the fu– rie ofSathan. Heeonely in defpight of fpightful1 tongues, can bring forth amans righteoufnetfe as the light> and his judgement as the noone-day. He alone can fpeake peace and comfort to heavy and / }~ournfull hearts; he,and none but hee, can refcue and releeve the p~:lOre andpenitent foule out ofthe lions paw, from the brinke ofd'efpaire, and out of the very mouthofhell. Hence it is) that Davidfaith in the perp!exitie of his fpidt, Pf.:d. 142. 4· I loo- - keduponm,y right hand and beheld, but there wanone that would. know me ; a!l fejuge failed me, andnone ea- . red for my IQ ule. Thm cried I unto thee, 0 })ord, and (aid, thQu art minehDpe andmyportion in the landofthe livintz~&c. There is no refr then for our vexed fpi– rit~ anddifrrelfedk:mles, but onlyunder thewings ofGods almightinetfe. .· . For reproofe ofthofe,who thinke to releeve and · re(cue