Joule-exalting humiliation. refcue themfeJves from the hand of God and his heavy vifitations, only by the aid and power of fecondaty caufes : who labour to paffe out of all their troubles and perplexities by their owne firength and arme offtefh ; when they are in clif– grace with greameffe and great men, they labotr by bribes, flatterie, and bafe fervices, to recover heir refpectandreputationwith unfantHfied great ones, &c. But in ruch cafes, it were a thoufand times bet– ter to continue in their troubles, and lie fl:ill under rheir croffes, than to come out by fuch means. To be led out ofmifery,and Gods·hand; to paffe oufoftroubles, and notbyfanB:ified meanes, is the greareft mifery, and amofi:·fearfull curfe. For m profper in our wayes, and be out nfthewayrohea· ven,isoneofthe greatefi:plaguesthatcanlight upon our foules in this life.Bur exercife in tcmporall vexa– tions,is many times avery powerfull means to draw us untoGod, and to keepe us in awe and obedience when we are converted. For infl:ruct:ion,ro teach us all whert we fhall be in· tangled in any trouble,orcrolfed wthany vexation, then prefently to make a privy fearch into the fecret paffages ofour hearts, and an exact: inquiry into the fin full waMts of our life,& thereupon tomortifie all rebeJlious corruptions wirhin, wherby wee grieve the good fi.}irir; and reforme the iniqu-itie ofour outward converfation, wher by we difhonourGods gracious Mitje!He) and fo before,& above all things to returne and be reconciled unto him.And then af– furcdly Gods mercifull hand will take, at the leafi: h •r; n.• ' I t e venome, po11on, and out ofall our trou- j Cc 2 · b!es, 3) I ·~ I DIWit. on liiJ· I (ea,pag.'-67· I Vft z.