Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

TheSaints 44 ( --------------------------------~ ohj. I Some oftheir times are obfervedbyus,&c• .An[. That is not a fafl: which is obkrve-d amongus at '1 thore fer times, but anabll:inence (l)nely from flefh in a civill relpea; ro wic, that fifhand other meats might be ufed and fpent, as well as fldh, for the in– creafe of fifhermen, andmariners,&c~ ~nd that fle!h being fpared and forborne at fL1ch times, might bee the more plencifuii, and confequently the more cheape. Hom.of fafling, See the doCtrine ofour Church, l1om. of fafring. pa. 1 • F aftingofiffelfe iJ .uhiny:, mer:rely indijfirmt. when Pag. ~. Godfha!t a.fftiEl awhole region wirhWar!, with famine, with peflilence,withflrange difeafu, andunknown[k~-· . tte.lfe.r ,andotherfuch l1kgcalamitiu,then it is time,&c. And acoording hereunto upon divers publikeoc– calions, there have been publikefafisobfervedand I folemnized amongfi: us with good and happy fucceffe. , .· .I Inthetimeofrheplagne, An. 1563• .:z Afrerthegreatearrh-quake, An. 1579·· \ 3After the intelligence hadofrhe Spanilh invalion, A11 .. 1588. 4 In the rimeofthe famine, An. t 596,~ 1 597· 5 In the time ofrhe pefrilence, AJ<!. 1603. Heare the fiatute ofour land. , .Aw. lJ'Iin~o ili- , Andbec.tufe no manner ofperfon[h~tUmiJjuds..eofthe ~ab. eap. $· inte!Jt efthif eflatute, limiting ord~rs to- ea~ fifh, and to forbeare eating offtefh, but thtie thefame tJ purpofely intendedand meantpolieick!J, for the increafe tJf fifh– , ermen andmariners, and repairing ofport-townes and nlvigAtitm, andnot f9r anyfuperftitit n tobee maintai– ned i11 thech1yce ofme(Jts : · Be