--~-----------------------------------~ ' Joule-exalting humiliation. 1 . 4) Be it inaRed, that whofoever jh.1/1bypteaching, teach· \ See the flat. of ing, writin(!, or ope!t rrpeech, 'f.lotil:e that am' eurin~ of· wef~·~·c·3~·Thfe <? . . ~.I • J'' ' J • .!;. J!IUni•nment o flej~, menwmedtn thtSftatute, 1J of any neceJFttefor the fpreaders of favrng, of the{oute ofm.m,or that it is theferviceofGoJ!J newes. Seer· h :r h. h l" · L [ b h' 1: 1ac.r:.2.~.forthe ot et'WlJ et art a.r ot er po tttclte awe.r ec ; t at t?en, continuanceof fuchpofoiz.r Jhau bepuntfhed, a.r JrpreaderJ off.:d[ene:re.r the (lbt,of~o. are,and-ought to be. . Eltr,.tt • They are alfofuperfiitious, fianding in prohibi6 tion ofmeat for religions fake, which is a doctrine of devils, 1 Tim. 4· tq, 4· The Papifis thinke t01 decline the edge and urging ofthis place,by faying r that theApofile fpeaketh not ofthofe who abfiaioe from certaine meats with humilitie and to tame the · flefh; but of thofc: that efl:eemed meats tobe pollu– ted&abominable. This was long ago the pretence ofthofe to whrnn the Apofile fpake, and whkh in his rime erred in thatpoint, faying, Eat not, touch not, tafie not, as the Apofl:le fairh, C&l. 2. 2(). wh;·, M thou;,h ltving in the world, areye .fubjec1 to ordina11ces (touch net, taJe nat, hmzdlenot, :wh'h·h a!Iare to perifh -· rrith the ujrt;,) tl{ter thecommandemenrs and doEirine.r_ of mm ? Then hee addeth that which made the prohibition of meats, to thofe that forbade it to feeme plau!ible, faying, rrhich thing,.r h,:we indeed a [hew ofrrifdome in will-worfhip andhumiliiie j tl'ld negli El the bo~)', not in any honourro the fatisfying ofthe fiefh. This is'jufi the words and allegations ofour adverfaries, and the ends for which they ordaine and e{bbtifh the aifiincrions of meats, which ne– verthelefl'e the Apo!l:Ie rejecteth, calling them; the commandcment.r and dottrines of men, It makes no differe·nce whether bee fpeaketh to the J ewes or to ' • ilie