Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

Joule-exalting humiliation. -~7 __ ofGod> properly fqcalled, orofany true fatisfatti– on for finnes;orofmerit befor;God; bnr.o?ely a fimple delivery from forne evtll, or obtammg of fome good, as adefired eveor, truly> not of~nout– ward fafl:, but of a totall repentance, and godly ·prayers, and ·humJ,Iiation before God, is fet forth. Concerning the fathers produced by BeUarmine, I anfwer, thofe hyperbolicaH and improper fpee– ches ofthe Fathers, ft1eh as thofe are in the prayfes offafiing, thofe in the word-sof{tuiJfying andmeri– ting ,arenot rightly turned into prope,r> and they are evillyobtruded for aruleofjudging. Failing tbould ferve for aconfeffion offins,but at thisday it ferveth amongfr the Papifh to efiablifh merits, according to the example of the Pharifee, · which boafied of his failing before God, and there fore was rejected,Luke 1 ~. 1 2. How plealinga pray– er doe you thinke would it bee tmto God, if a man fhould fay, Lord, I have deferved J.ife erernai1, for I have nor dined : or why f110uidf1 thou punHhme for my: Gnnes,feeing I have fatisfied for them byab– fiainingfcom eatingofegs andcheefe?y-et this is bur · afmall matter, for it is faid that f<9me fafl: oftner S11e thCfotmer than they fhoulp doe for their finnes, tmd fo there pttg. under the b · 7.head· ·, is afupera undmce in their·fathfafrion. NowbecaujeweebyholyScripturu vindicate f ::tfling fromp()pifhPharif.~t}me; thtyjpeakandwriteJo-metimes, M rhou,~hwe didnot commend, prej]e, AndpraEiift true . fafli1Zg. Hettre ihtreforeour Divines. Andyet hereI con- : demn; n.rn the Le~t:fa;1 us,fo it be obfervedo~e'! ~~~~:~ _ M aCt' andpo/Jttcke8rdmance, andnot ~Y any reltgt.. tation,-pag.~Q. om fafl or o/;forvatioJ.Z: for I efleemeit a;lawful/fo~ a t ------------------------------- =K2 Jn~~~--~~ -