Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

• 4 $ j . The Saints --:----:.._ Kingfor atfme to forbid his fubJeflJ fome forts ofmeat} andenjoyneothers, as he {eeth mofl fit for hi! common- · wealth, asforaPhyfttianto prefcribeadiettehif Pati– ent, forbidding fome meats, and appointing others fM the /;ealth of hubodie. Much lej]'edo I condemne a!/fiift– ing In Jl!nerall) but wi(h it weremore obforved than it ~-· ,foit beright~'· Eut this f:Jfl ofthe P<VpijfJ ii-t the injli tutian 1 ob[ervation, C9ufes, manner:J and end ofit 3 u wickedand{acrilegiou.;. Mollli;t, n. of 111thi!whicbwe foi~ before, i; not(Joken ro cond~mnei faith,pag. 316 ' f:tJ1tng, nor the obfervatton ofeccleftafltca/1fi':fli, ordlrutry or extraordmary, onlywefeeke to take away,ar;~ to ab g. _lifh theopinios ofmerits' avd foti~fa8ion therevy ; ana makefafling tp conftflin ab(linenceand[obrietie, andnot .indijlin8ionofmeats) commanded by aman te whom Godhathno~givm that p~wer, and that underpretence , ofab}Jinen;eeftablifb huEmpire, and layethayokeupon menr c9nfcimceJ crmtrary to the word of God. wee alfo condemnc not.t!at man, who ~o tame the motionsandpro- ~ vocations ofhifdtjiresandconcupi(cences,~k/fain(thfrom wine, orfrom certaine·meats, [o hufaflin_~ be volunt(lry and not fcrupulom, norwithopi'1ion ~fmerit, or fatif– faElion, or by command ufurped over him by anv ma?J ·I Suchwa; Danielsfa.ft, abflaininj!,from wine, jle{b, anil/ plea[ant bre11d, Dan. 1 o. 3· For there WM n61lawiJa lf– rael, touchin~ofach abftinence. Therefore it is in 'THine he~e tq "!akedifc9urfes in theprai{eoff,;;fling andfohri– ette, whtchweknow to bethenurfts9fvertuu,gu11rdians ofchaflitie, andprovocatitms to watchfulne/Je. DowJJ. of fall1fpeake not thif ;u though this extrci(e ·had 'beenr al- . ing1pag. r4. together neglciledamongHm: for tfJ GodJglorie_, and to thej1opping ofouradvl'rjuries mouth, thr ·Papiflr (who/ , /;,_now\