Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

r --~~"!: . .;;.. '·-----:---:;--::-.-:---:------- [Oule"-exalting humiliation. 49 kna~ net what thetrueextrcift off~jlillg me:tneth) it il • See beforo to beacknowledgul., tb-Jt hlr»[Ot'Vtr we havenot bemefo under.the f• frtfjlltnt--in this exerci[t, aJ JVtre toberJ'ifbed, yet mt- -~;~,;::~e ab: , withftanait~g_ upuz di'l!trJpubli/:1 l&c,~fionr there h:1ve I jeClien. e 0 publik! fajlf bi~t ob[erved tmdfo!emnize~among us with •A~t ;e;u~tiis goodandbdppie * [uccejfe. Beji#J tfJt prtvateandftcre~ Jcbeilt aJjuJtgi f~flinl. ofth.e faithfu!l,. AJ it pleafeJGo a_, tl move them, . ~;~:j:;i;te, ettherb:Jprt't.'•t orpublt!uoccajions. . t~ afia_of!ici4 Aprivat fafting-is undertaken either for our felves ";;,eta_;u ?, ~e • h fH • .n. d • h • dl d JY911"'eo ~,un w en we are a ~l,[e ett e-r mwar yor ourwar - quitkm ut &Mt. ly in our perfon, or family ; Qr for others ; ofthis r/t<tttx f"tritnu, fc I d h h f b pr.efertunA.ueeexatnp es an r e mannert ereo, to 2. 12. g~. AtfJbrofio 2.Sam. 3·3'l ..and u.r6. . Pfa·35·'13· Neh.r.4. D.m. ·i.(ue,jejsatia' 10.2. Mat. 6. & '7, t8. I c''·7·5. D.m.9. 3· ~~1/JPElt~:-of:tB r; . b h h I .b. r. "d · h" ' recw/14 ut you may ,ee yw at at 1 m 1a1 m c ts. 't•it,liit_, etatiiJ ufe, ~hedeclination ofP?perie.from the pu~it~ ~nd ~~e;~u opcri– pra[ttfeofG8ds people mScnptureand pnmmve trmj!~~~;6:111 . times, in this poim offall:ing, and fo th~y doe alfo ~e. confu~t#U: j in other points, denying* watching and Almes to ~.e (.tqum t{l, accompany fafiing,whereby you fee alfo how they :a;~~~"::uZofo:"1 have degenerated. •itib111qrm ,. · And now lee any man tell me, that is in his right z=~~f'~.6A.~t wits, whether he thinks is amore pleafing fervke Tllm,p.e~f;,u, unto God, .their fenfe)efle, foulelelfe, mock-faft, ~eleAemofj-.u . d fh "l" • • h c:. d Ch "'• tQr,l11.fll· or our ayes o umt tattonm t e rerorme urtut.¥orat.tib. ches, and as r:hey are defined and qaaHied byour 1· c~p.lo._(Ul.; Divines: ofwhich before. . "'n1qu.em11r.} ; PerufalJ of this point m1y jufl:ly bring a gr~at Yfo. l . t dealeof confufion, andterrour /upon the conrci- ' ences, and iliame upon rhe faces ofall ignorant and prophane people of all Protdl:anrs at large , who 1· know in their, owne confciences thJt they D d have ].