6o ' . . TheSaints .nigh.t as ~ellas rhe dayes; .fhewing thereby; thata· night rimfi be reckoned as apart of the day-where– inaFafr isobferved. Jn the fpace offoure and twenty houres onlyone· o~dinary qleal~ isforborne 1 '(The Fafi ~tgiilning a-t .theendofon<: m~ale, · and_when.theFaft is;en~ ded, another meale being taken:) but Idfe thanone meale in a ~fr cannot be forbom.Thistherefore.js the,fhertefr time, whichret wiil appeare to be-long en,9ugh.,~]fa,-Faf}: be rightly and dulyobferved;:~or ;rhe Iafr mealewhic:h:i~;taken before a t Fa~, ouoghi to bee·a very moderat_eand fparemeale, fo mode– rate, _ as, fo foqne a~ i~ is taken, wee may without heavineffe; droufinetfe, anddulneffe fetour (elves; :ta-.ex.art].ination; m~Q:itation, ·.cohference~' ~reading, prayer, and fuch like religioUs exercifes inpriVate, , as a preparation unto the morefolemneexe.rdfes ro beeperfqrme~ inaFafr. Mofr meet it is, ~hat . this . :e~ep.ar~tie>:n be:iP tpe evening,_~nd ~~e,Fafi the,n·ro . oegtn. Fr~m-~'1;1tn to Even·(fatththeL~w) /bllUyet celehrateyollr Sabbath:meaninga Faft. · Sotha~ ~mmediady,..af~er afpare .fupper, all fervile workes of our calli_ng.~~P. afipe_, tbe.for~namedpriepara_tion is t<ibegig, ~n_d ~j~nefo- long, as .wecan:fonveni– eni:ly fit up, even longer, and Iarer than on other daies~:We ufe ·t~go~obeq. Thenafterfome fleep.ta– ~en,!qt £ne Pf!~t;lJl!l1JliPg)11i~n:g fo~n_e~ th~n or~ina~ .r.~fg ~t·Hfe ~2 qq,~f~erfollle_r:en.~~gofour;~r~pa~ ratton, tlie;re~ofth~. m~e:; even·rdl ,the f9ure a~d twenty. houres,.f~om thebegb;mingofoureve~ibg prtp~hiti9nbe ~ndep~ is_to ..beJpcntin thefolern.n~ e:~erc~~s~efl~Jigi9P~R~~~t~in.itJg,to,a Faft.; Jf~FbZ