Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

- . .·- ·- ' Joule-exalting humiliation. j-6_1_ be continued (as bath been before~9downe) rwo · wholedayes) itisasmuchasour weake nature can well iodure -without impairing the health and frrength ofour body. ·· Sotptimes occafion may bee given offafring lon– ger than a man is able to forbeare all manner offuf– tenance,and thenhemay take fomenouri!bment in the daies of his fafr. For example ; Aman ofgreat worth and ufe inChurch or commonweale is flruclkenwirhadangerous ftcknes, and lies betwixt hope and feare, fome weeke or more; the itfue being un– certaine, his friends earndl:ly defirous of life, con– tinue to fa:frandpray e.very day, till they fee what \ ifiue theLordwill give. Now becaufe of the long continuance of fuch aFafr) every day they take one meale to preferve the firength of their body. The likemay be done when a Cicie is befeiged; when a manswife lieslongerthanordinary in labour,when his child is ficke,&c. 1 In the Primitive Chuch I find, that in the 'begin, , ning, they fafied till fix of the clocke in the after- ' 1 noone , or riJI fun-fetting; which ir.J common dJ:i. mation is about Gx of the docke. For thJt i5 the mofl: inditferent rime to meafure the eveni!]g by, and _the mort proportionable to the whole yeare, and mofr anfwerahle to the cufiorneofGods people in thewholeTefiamenr: for therewas not fuch dif ference betweene the day and the night among the I ewes, as is among us. For in IurJ', the fborrefi:day had ten~oures, and the lonRefr night but fuurteeB; whence ttfollow~rh, that for the greatefi part of theyeare, thefunne did fet much what about fix ;. either