Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

• "----~- ----~~--------'--~----~--.._,... . ·----- hou1e·ofclay: but thou iu the mcati time ,6ot with. out great indignity aod wrong to the Land-lord,~s it were,beatefi asct batterefr downe the: houfe to the ground. · · 2 Af.;ainfi Chriil:, gur Redeemer. I Bee hath bought us with his deareft hearts blood : why then ibouldfi thou murrher,another mam 2 By fdfe-murther, ~hbupfferefi violence,mai– ming) and deformitie, as it were (fo much as in thee lies) ro his glorious mynicall bodie~ 3 Againfhhe Holy Ghoft:) in oppo!inghisholy operations : whkhare: · .. . I To fanftifie us: but thoudefilefi thy felfewith thine owne blood: with the higheft and moft hor– rible k·nd ofmunhcr. 'l To dwell in us : but thou ruinefi and ra.:efi to the ground ) as it were, thP- bldfed Spirits owne h1biration,~rufts him outofhis lodging) a-nd as it were,pulls downe his houfe over his head. 3 To reveale unro us the infiniteneife of Gods mercie8, the all-fufficiencie of Chrifts merits, the fweetneifeof the proinifes, the power ofthe word; Godswi~difpo!ing ofall things)though they feem never fo burtfull., to the good of all,.who loving him, doe refigne themfelves over to he guided by his wiU, &c. and. the horribleneffe of this fin of felfe-murder. Bur thou that bloodily maket1 ayr~y thy felfe, doet1like a oroud, imoatient worme~and wretch, infinilfelv t:nder- .rize, ditab1eand trample · upon the truth of all thefe. . ·4 To beget 1_· Affurance that Godwill not fuf fer