l 160 ' -,- TheSaints- ,· ofchat den ofdarkneffe, dungeon of iriiquitie, and · p:uckll eofuncleanne1fe. That bottomlelfe finke of , filth hath fent out continually impoifoned itream·s afabominable thoughts, word~, and deeds all thy life long : then great ~ea{on. hafr thou;and mofr jRfi caufe to make that heart of thine for the time to come, afoantain ofgodly farrow, ofpenitent rears, _, ofmo~rningand Iamenting,ofbleedingandbewai· ling thy finnes, all the daies ofthy life. If Chrift Jefus vouchfafe toopen upon thy foule a founraine of his owne d~are, warme hearts-blood for fins and for uncleanneffe, · thou art acurfedwretch andcru– ell eriemie to thy foules comfort, ifthou do not en– dev-our and be·content to keep,eopen in thine heart acounter-well, asit were, ofweeping over him, whom thou haft pierced,and for thofe finnes which have put the SonofGod todeath. ~ Confider, that the heart ofthe onely deare innocent Sonneof<:.Jod, for thy fake was pierced . through, and filled with that fingularity offpiritu- - · heavinelfe, anguifh of fpirit and affliction of foule, that I am perfw~ed, were all the feverall forrewes-ofall the.fonnes and daughters of .AdAm, from the creation to the worlds end, colleeted and -- inflicted upon one heart, theywould come fhort. · · Foryoumufi know, that beewas feized upon even by the fecond death, and atraulted wit_h he1Jifh paines : all the powers ofhel'l were fet loofe·agamft him: his foule,though hee was L~rdofheaven and earth, upon the croffewas even-asafcorched heath ~ound, without fo-much-as any .drep of dew of comfort , either from heaven or earth· The • · fiercenes ~~------~------------------~---------- / ' . -,