~ ~~ ------------------~---------------------- fo,u!e-:exalti!Jg 1Jumilt4tion. 161 · fierceneffe of his fathers wrath did pretfe him fo fore and lie fo heavy upon him, that it wrung out of his bleffed body even drops ofblood, and from ' . his heartthat rufNllcry, My God, my codJ wbyhafl · thouforfoken me t now, fhall the pretions 'heart of Gods owne fonne (infinitely free from finne) fall afunderin hisbrefi like drops ofwater for thy fins, and £hall not thy finfull heart groane and figh at all ? £hall not it mourne and melt for the infinite abominations of thine owne heart and life ? Oh horrible hardneife ! prodigious ingratitude! · 3·see affured, that ifthat heart ofthine be not wounded by the minifiery of the word in this day ofthy vifitarion', and fincerely take fin ·to heart, while it isca!led roday, it will and' mull: hereafter . bee filled with th~t horrour, which would burll: a thoufand to thinke upon it, and abide the whole and unguenchable wrath of God> flaming upon it with extremeft anguifh and torment world without end. Mufr lob, the jufl:efl: man alive, be fought againfl: with the terrours of God, and the enzob6.4. venomed arrowesofhis indignation ·drinke up his fpirit ? ·mufl: Davi.l) aman after Godsowne heart, have no reil: inhis bcmes-becaufe ofhis finne, roare all the day long bv reafon ofhis heavy hand. arid .r. f J P 1 .t• .;a. & 1 be fo wa(l:ed with the ·griefe ofhis heart, that his 38·& 1 o~. virall moifiure, as hee complaines, is turned into . the fummer drought? mull: Hez·ekiah, who walked · · before the Lord in truth, and with aperfect heart, -have the angerofthe Almighty to breake his bones I[a. 38 • likeaLion&c. Nay, mull: theSonne ofGod himfelfelie bleed~ · L 1 -" ing .. .