Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

. foule-!?xaltingbU1nili~tion. See I~ s~m.. 7· 6. Luke 7· 38. & 18. • -3·Ifo. 3-8. 14. 2 The eyes, hands, and tongue, whicharewont to {bed teares, fmite upon the breft, aggravate, and : amplifieinpangiofgodly farrow, have allformer· 1. lyone way or other been notorious agents for the , .devill,a.'1d ready infrruments ofour corrupt nature, 1 to doe wickedly :with congruity therefore in their kind, may they juO:Iy condole with the grieved heart, and have their pa-rt feafonablyand fincerely in penitent demonftracions. ) - 3 ,In cafe ofoutward troubles,as Joffes ,.croffes,dif– graces, departure_&omdearefrieads,deathofchil- ' · dren, &c. people are wont te take on extreme!y, to wring their hands, beat their brefts, fometimes to teare their haire and weepe immea{urably. Looke uponDavia, awife man, how pittifully hee takes on for awicked fonne, I. sam. 18. 33. But I need _,not proceed in the proofe ofthis point ;dayly expe– rience teachethus, and reprefenu to our .ey'es the fad and heavy countenances, weeping eyes, deepe fighes, rufull complaints'of men and Women vifi– ted and vexed in t·heir outward frates: much taking on, lamenting, and many pittifull expreffions of grieved hearts for loffeofwife, husband, children, · health, liberty, goods, an high place, former credit, worldly bappinetfe, &c. Now affuredly, whereas , the concurrence of all lobsoutward miferies upon one man would require one watery teare; theJeafl: finneofthyfoulemight juftly challenge, &exafrat thine ~and awhole torrent of bloody te11res : If . thou wouldeft fpend one figh for the death ofthy fonne, the groaning out ofthe lafl: drop 'of thy 1 ~--------------~L~I~l~----·~d=e=~~eft=-------'