Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

TheSaints dearefi blood were far. too little for thedearh ofthy .foule. Ifthoa~ou1dfi: wring thyhandsfor the Iom~ ofthine husband, well mighrefi: thou waile in the ' bitternefie ofthy fpirit all the dayes of.rhv Hfe, for 1 the lotre of communion with ]eli1s Chrifi. If thou wouldft beat thy brefr for the burning: of· thinehoufe, ;ufilym.ightfi: thou breake thine li'eart in peeces for the finfull confumptionofthyfoule. Note. Foritis a principle in the practice ofmortification; _ That~;race ought to raift our ajfiElirms to 41 hit..hapitch , and Jlraine abou; heavenly things, as nature ahuut ea"rthly, nay to a?J highet-. _ 4 Weigh well; Pro. 2 ~t q. BeethJt c~v_ereth h!J . jinJ fha/1 notpro{Per ... but hce tht~t confejfeth and forfa· · ketb them,[JJatlhtfvemercy. · · ' V Il. . To heJpe in the fevenrh, to wit, toget<t-greai Thefeventh. deale of hatred of fiune in our wiJJ:s;, confider, Helpstohatred I. The foulenetfe. 2. 1Ine1fe. 3· lhfeCtioufneffe. offiill'lC. 4, Perc!cioufne1fe of fin .. It is the onely objeCt of Gods 6 trtmell: hatred. It is fuuler thaa the foul ell: r. Cti'l. >·6. P.fa.~ I.~ •. lt1.l3· ~7· ·· fiend in hell. It is a·greater i1I than the eternalJ damnationofaman, nay than thedeltrucrion ofall the creatures in theworld. It is ofthat pefiilentiaU, infectious propcrtie, that it pollutes every tiling it comes neere. Therefore firly refernbied:, ro leaven, and leprofie, which filthy difeate pref~ntiy fpreads · over the whole- body, Nttm. 12. ro. infeCts the clothes, the walls, LPv. 14. 37· &c. pc;>ll:erity, 1. KmJ.. S·27· Thenit is fhlloffearefai! and perni– cious effects, both privative and pofitive.; cfwhich you heard more largely before. ~ll which well weighed, might bee fufficient to provoke an utter ._-~- . hatred_ ,.