Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

fouli-exalting ·bumi(iation. 16; hatred and decefiation offinne. To helpe in the .eighth, to wir, to get 'ftrong hv ~ !!·~ rea(ons in our ~indagainfi: fin; Confider, · ~. e elf. •• I The threegrand general] arguments. : Helps. see zah . 1 Puni!hments and paines ofhell, due to finne. 3o. 3•~8• i. i The joyes of heaven, ofwhich wee beleave our feives by finning. 3 The glory of God, which fhould bee the prime and princ:ipall motive againll: finne, theo. ther two being but fubordinate, and iHtroducHve, as it were. ~ Take reafons againfi finne from every attri– - buce of'God : every patfage of his blefied booke ~ every logicke place c;>f finne ; as you may fee, PraElice •fChriftianitJ, paJ.. z93. &c. ' 3Compare the incomprdi-fn(tble excellency of God> with the bottomleffe depth of thine owne v~kneffe. Who art thqu that lifce'Li.up thy proud hearr, ·or whetfi: thy prophane tongue, or bendll thy gracele1fe courfe again(k fo .great a Majefi:y ? thou art the vilefi wretch that everGod made, next unto the devill and his damned Angels : a moll: , weake and fraile creature, dnft and earth, or any thing that isn~ught ; the very dreame ofa fhadow, worfe than vanity_, le!fe than nothing; who, when rhybreathis taken away, which may bee a· tfiou– fand times everymoment,<fiefr, androttefi,andall thy thoughtsperHh. But nowon the-other fide, it thou call: thine- eye ferioufly, and with intention upon -that thrice glorious and dreadfull .. Majefiy whom.thouottendefr, thoumayell: jufrly.upon the .commiffion_ ofev~ry fincry Ot~t with t_heProphe · · · Ll 3 · a