.r 168 The Saints f. I -:---------------- ., or'other ·: and afcer deliberation and choice !uffer' this to OUt·ballance and oyer-weigh them all. Oh monfirous m~doeffeand inexpiablevillany! . · 1 Confider thofe maiiy curbes in fuch a cafe. Theol. caf p. I 6). . . · · X } Tohelp in theto.towit,togrieveattheheartthat The tenth fpi- wecannot grieve more for our fins, and becaufe :we ntu:~Uducy.To r. h . 1 . l h · h r. arieve becaufc: 'CaFmot 10 eartl ym arge our earrs tot eLe ath& ~e can ~eno exercifeofrepetance,as we £boufd${defire;colider, ~or~r~::~~s 1 That h~dfl: thou a thoufand eyes, and wept tool!l~~ecit. u themall our, it were infinitely too little for one wantonwandringofthat finfull fenfe: hadll: thoua rhoufand heans, a,ndd1~y fhou!d all bmfi wii:h for– row, a11d bleed to death, \V hat were that to the leafi wicked thought hatcht therein? Since nor even that · could ever have beene pardoned without the pou– ring our ofChrifis dearefi blood. Vvhy.rhen,~herr tho~ hafl: broken thint: heart witli greatdl: bitter– ncf'f.:, and pouredour penitent tearcs moO: pJenti~ . fuily before Go<:f for all thy {~nnes; yet for all rh is, 1 . thOU .ttlightrft juftJygrieve, tnat thine heart WJS 1 · .not ye r agre1r deale more inlarged, and wirh more fincer ide and fofcneffe; even to fall afunder, if it ·we-re poffib]e, wichdrops ofblood in thybreft, for thy former beafily life, &c. How much more then, when thy heart is more ba~ren ,dry, and lockt up, as ' it were, that it will not fo eafily relent)dilfolve and melt 1n thy bofome. · .2 That as nponreview oftheeholieff duty, and ,moft religious exerdfe ~hat ever thou patfedfr , . through; were it prayer;.fanetWying the Sabbath, a day of humiliation, &c. thou mightefi:· finde jufl: • matrer,