Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

foule-exal~in~ humiliat~on. 169 matter,when thou had([done)to bewaile the wants, failinos~ unheavenlinetfe, and diil:raetions that at– tende0d thereupon: foevenafcer thy mourning for Gnne, and that moft meltingly, thou maiefi juiHy grieve, that thou mournrdft not more., and for the privy priJe, hypocrifie, vaine glm:y, &c. whichare wontto in-Gnuate and mingle therew-ith. - 3 That by afincere ex~rcife·ofthis lafiafr, thou maieil: crown thy felfe with this comfort,thatwhen thou cornpiainefr, andart much cafi downefor the hardneife, and unforrowfi1lneife ofthine heart for finne ,"andfor all the m€ans·t.hou atfayelr,rhou canft not get into it, that remorfeand meafure of humi . Hadonwhich thou defireft; yet in (uch a cafe, thy hearty grieving, thoucanfl: grievenomore,by joint-· confent ofb.eft Divines, jsgodlyforrow For t·his is . a principle in thegreat myfierie of godlineife ; A . I, true de/ire crJ..UU the prcfottct ofz:he thing dtjtrd, A I ~=~~au~;;· Pfi. trnedefireoffpirituaii grace•, is the graces rhemg felves, .at leall: in theaccepratien ofGod, who out See Dew~t.p 11• ofhis incomparable goodneffe ofnature,and·excd- [~- Dtkcotrep. I , f r k h ' }'c. h d d. h ., pag.I3-'Io and . enete o mercy, ta est e Wl LIOr t e ee , o y , p,g. 6. affeCtions for-actions, fincere purpofes for pcrtorI rnances, godly delires for the deeds themfcives. .f\ true hearted defire of reconciliation to God, -of hith, repentance and for.row for finne-., is, in Gods interpretation&.accepradon, reconci1iationD faidi, repentance farrow itfelfe.Atrue delireofgrace, . is faving grace. . . ·' . Thus far you have heardofrhoQi ten feverall du--- ties required in the fpirkuaU ej{ercife of fafiing~ all '· wbicb;concer.neour humiliation ; with the meotnes. and: 1 · - ) ~~--------------------------------------~--- 1