Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

... 1' • •• TheSaints 2?.23. B.~r.9.6. Hejl. 4.16. 2 chro.~o.3.anditiliall be_feene that rhe end oftheir ~afi(whichkept it in any?Ueafure oftruth and fimphcity)was.afe.atr, and t~ellfuc of their mourning great rejoicing : yea, even AhabJ·hypocriti~allFafi:, though joyned with notruerepenrance, was not without fame fruit I King. 2 I. 27. all whichmay ferve wonderfully t~ . . tlrengrhen our faith, inthi~ holy, perfotrpan~e. WAthktrd dfuty. 3 Workesofmercymufibeeadded. in this cafe qr eso ·merrr, . h ' q. . !Ja• 58. 6, 7. Is nouhutheFaft t at I have chofen, to Iooft the bandufwickednej]'e, 11 deale the bread umo the hungry, tobringthrpoDre that are cafi out into thy hou(e, and when tbou Jeeft e.he naked tfJ. cover them j The like rhe Lord caJls for in the Ifrae1ires Fall:, Zach. 7~ 9· 1Execute true judgement,fbew mercyandCOIJtftiffioli,evc· ry man tohi& brother; fora~ the Lordhath promifed Matlh. f. 1 • to fuew mercy tO themercifull, and tQ.anfwer their cry : So·on ~he contrary;·he.thAtjloppe;hfJil r~te at . . \ lt]Jmllllfl tu11111 7WI Pt tu· crum m11(upii, fed fotNnt~tt · a11i111.t, dMg. tft ttmp.ftrm. I1J· Afourth duty. Renewing of our covenant with ehe Lord. thecrying ofthepoore)himftlftfhaNcdeantitzit_behea~d, Pro. 2 I. I l· In aword~h~n·, both inourp~blike and priv~t Fafts, this mufi alwaies be obfewed)that the poormay have·the gain·ofour fafring, and not our owne purfes ·: ifthat their loines and bowels £hall bleffeus,asJfoiah fpeaks' the LordwifJalfoblef{eu.r a· hund~ntly. Fourrhly;after our humiliation, we mull: ever in thefe daics ofhumiliation renewmur cove– nant with the Lord, and notonelyunfainedly pur- · pofe, but- faithfully promife ·amen~ment, ·· in' per– forming-duties heretoforeomitted, and efchewing fins heretofore eommitred:eo·make a: fure covenant with our God; topart with allfinne,and to-clea~e tohim rot ever. : And there are good reafons for tt. Otherwife . l