Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

foule-extz:lting humiliation. aadier.3r. 33;Cbaprerscomparedtogether, Pfit.S9· 33.Numb. 2 3.i9. He that faid it, he ha<thfw9rne it, hee hath fcaled it with the blood of his fonne; See Heb• . 6. 17'· r8. 2. Cor. r. zo. Nowwhat acurfed . ln~ongruiry.and abfurdity is this ? fhaUGods cove- . nant bee fo fu~e, confrant, and inviofable?anq fh~U . all ourgoodly.promifes and gOOdnetfe beeasthe morning cloud, and ear~y deaw ?.then letmee in- . treat every one in the nameand feareofGodJas'you have any care to be faved, and to fee the glory of . the new Jerufaleni,as youwould have any hope to appearebefore.Chrifr Jefus with any comfort; as you feare to receive your porcion in hell firewith the deviU and ~is ~ngels, even moll: intolerable · andbitter torments for ever and ever, bee perfwa- . ded now at 1afr to make afare covenant with the Lord your God; of~bandoning utterly the· devit~ fervice, of for&king all finne, of hating all falfe · waies, &c. and'ofgivingup your bodi~s and foules . ~o bis glorious fervice.and fpending the fhortre• ·1· mainder ofa few.a_nd evilldaies in ~ebriety, righ~eoufneffe and holmetfe. Otherwtfe aifure your [elves, and take irfor awarning, and it may bee the Iaft, there is a daycomminguponyouJGod knowes how foone, (for though rhe generall may bee fomewhat further off, yet every mans particular· · account and doome cmnot bot bee,neere, for litde knowefi thou whofoever thou art, whether thou filalt ever this tim~ have ·grace and o~fered) I fay, there ~sa day comminguponyou, a dayofwrath, a·dayoftroubleand diftretfe, aclayof w«ftneffe ~ddefoJation, a day<if darknefl'e and 1 gl0omb;teffe, .J . ; · \ ' ' \' j { . 17)·