, Motives. lnflamtnantibH4 . crtpiditatibr~ . agitati inflaJ}· tia & /ttcinora proptlluntut,7#& omnin11 )'tqui~f- . CWttt, de(tfk· rando ltt ticljtti• rant, metutndo ne amittant. ' ·'Aug. in P[a, ~7• /ll•Sflo 'The·Saints gloomineffe;a day of clouds and thicke da:rkndfe J . ' tnat no grace 'or glory, not the prince of all the ·lights. in heaven, or all the lights·that f11ine fi·om high, fball ever againe bee able to comfort orin– lighren. There will ihorrly bee atime, after the refufingand neglecting of this grace and falvation offered, that the Lord will b.ure and bolt againfr you for ever the gate ofmercy, never more to bee intreated. His Angell fhall imfwer you) rbat time {hall bee no'more : the night iscome, whereii:J yot,e cannot W8rke. Thevifion is endfd, the prophecy fulfilled, the doores /but up,yourdayofvifttatiDnpafl. And fo in the clofingofan eye, from the feares and horrours of yoar bfd ofdeath and defpalre, you finke fuddt':n. ly and irrecoverably into the pit of hell. ·, · Bee moved then at length)all you that have Hood · out fo long againfr your owne falvation, .to make this covenant, by confidering the innumerable, incomparable, everlafl:ing benefits, which will fol– low thereupon. Conceive their fweetrieffe and excellency thus: Marke, 1 what you_{hall fcape: ·1 what you fhall en;oy. Firfr, what you fuall efcape ; that is, the cnrfed– neffe and difcomforts of the contrary condition. The Iothfomne1fe ofthe naturall efrate, the fierce wrath and unquend~able vengeance which hangs over thy head} and dogs thee at thy heeles by rea– fan ofthy fins ; that endlefle maze of unfatiable defires ,ancl refHe1fe purfuit of thofe fhadowes, wherein apoore foule-which hath not tailed ofthe power ofgrace~ wandersandwearies it felfe, which yetit cannever _comprehend) nor can they fatis~e lt. ••