anil perpe·tuall quide. No marveli, though there be mueh ft:rugglin'g and !hiving, .great noyfe and fiirre, the jlr~ng man ill' the Gofpel can be di f-armed and dif– poflc!fcd of hi~ Holds ; that ·is, before Sarhan, having long reigned in the hearts, and fat in the · Confcience!; of ignorant and prophane men, will be call out, by the Preaching and Powerofthe Word. Thisconquefr cofis full deare; it will not be had, without the loffe ofour dearefi deltghts; without !bedding the very hearts-bloud of our , beloved and bofome-ftnne;which flefh and bloud 1 l will ~ot yeeld UQto) without blowes and bloud- ~ fhed. You may a!fure your felfc,where the Light IofGods Truth begins once to pcepe out,and the j power of grace to worke, for the,driving away darknetfe,and fubduiQg prophaneneffe; rou !hall 1 be fure ever there tohave three fierce and tmplaca- · bleenemies, and·oppo!ites, to fia:rt up; Sathan, . eAn(w. There is g0od reafon for 1r. Lu~e u.2.&,:z.:r., S3than hin. ders ~heWcml. wicked men,and a mans ownc corruptions.While · men1ye in finne, ignorance,<}nd under the lbadow of death, Sathan lets them alone, meddles not much with them,never troubles or~ifquiets them, but procures them all temporall happinelfe, and carnall contentrnents,that can be; (for he knoiVes full well,if they fo continue,they are fure hisowne, and children ofendleffe perdi1 tion:) But ifonce,by . rhe power oftheWord, ·tbey be enJarged·out of the flaverie of ftnne and death, and Jay hold upon falvation)and the glorious liber.tie of the Saints; I whythen hehegins"tO befiirre hitnfelfe likea madded& enraged Lion,and Iab0rs with:all his malice · I and policieto'hinder and daih filch proceedings. ·, · (f 3) And . --------------------~----~-----------====-.!