Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

· tJnd perpetual/ quide.· ·this fpirit, a fpiritaall tall:e, and an humble heart, heewill not beleeve, efpecially with effect, fruit, . and pratl:ice, let him preten~ whatf~e~erbe will ; · neither Angels,nor men; dead,nor hvmg; MofCJ, .nor the Prophets;. Pete.r,nor Paul; not Chrifi,n~r ·God himfelfe; if the one were livigg >lgaineupon Earth,or the other would be pleafed,or it were ·potlible,to fpeake immediately to him. , For concluGonofthis-Point,letus know,That ~ the Minifierie of the Word is Gods Ordinance; which dependeth not upon theworthineffeofhim · who delivereth it; neither is itmade void and un– effechtall,by his weakenelfe and wickednelfe: but itbath it vertue,force,and power from the b!effin~ . ofGod, and from the inward operacion of his Spirit; who apply-eth it to the hearts and-confci– ences of men, and thereby illuminates their un– derll:andings, begetteth faith in them,and all'tan~ ttifying and faving graces. · l, but (will fome fay) it is a verrwearifome, tyring, and tedious thing, ~o-be tyed to the hea.. ring of fo,many., S.ermons) to meditateof them, conferreofthem withour neighbours,teach them . ou.r families,and pracrcife them; which are urged upon us,as rieeeffarie Chrifl:ian duties. , ~cisa ll:range thing,and for~ cafe, that fome men will not be perfwaded totake halfe fo much paines to-goe toJieaven,and e~e,rna-11 Relt, as ma. ny thoufands to gee to Hell, and everlafHng tor– ment. How.many ·tyre and torture themfelves withcarke and care, with much toyle and :travell, to.heapeup th~feriches,which in the mf:anetime arc 11 See 'DBwnams . c.H;pag. 36.z., Obje[l. 8•. This courfe is · weilrifome. · Arzfw. l\hny will no~.• take fuch patnes togoe to Heave11~u · others doe to · ' goe to Hell. -