Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641


tal,11,1 Liza.t. Llaas .1.. 4.,,,r- .e, 4., -4- ,r. 4- -1,- ,p, /it, V- JP- JP- 5P. JP' JP- JP- 411' 14' 14" ir- JP' 1431; , 1(' L/' T HE ,,,,,, ,f7.. ..*-0 1/17 0RkE SD. ,. , Of the Reverend, tru -0 ., ; , 3 ly Pious, and ludicioufly Learned 7(OBE7T BOLTON Batchelour inDivinity,late Fellow ofBrafen-Nofe Colledge in 0XF0RD and ReCtorofBroughton in Northampton. Shire, as they were finifhedby him- felfe in his life time. viz. The Life and death of the Author, E. P. Elquire. ADifcourfeabout theState ofTrueHappineffe. Diredions for a comfortable Walkingwith GODi InftruEtions for a Right comforting Aft:tided Cone fciences, &c. His Foure laft things, Death, ludgmattilltrand Heaven, d.9'c. His Funerall Sermon, by Nicholas Efivick Batchelour Y in Divinity* LONDON Printed by George (Miller, MD C.XL M-6.trt 4.641s141:R/s44:444/4/4/ LVVV:LIOVVVW*:**W*4# IblIMMEN_

TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL, FRANCIS NICOLLS E S QV I R E, One of His Majeflies Iuiüice of Teace and0uorum, for the County ofA orth hampton. IR, It was thedefire of this Reve- rend Author, when that * furious meffengcr ofdeath firft feized up- on his fpirirs,giving himnomore intcrmifron, than what would ferve for force feeble preparati- ons againft aNewentennter:that I would iscafehe died, which afterwards lamentably fell out) frame anEpi- ftic to this Workwhich bee had thenwade ready for a the * A 41ßrt44 ague.

* luflice Ni- colls, esgrave and learneda Judge as ibis J(ingdome en- toyed in the age it held him. z Sam. z. 30. * ( i pecunia & largictoni- bus honoras, facerdotia Sc magi{iratus ambiunt, his pagina depnrte- tioniseft præ- f{ituta.Lex Jul. deambits,. inflict of Peaceand Ing- ram, lattice of Oyer and Terminer, i(nizht ofthe Shire, High Sheriffeofthe County. * Honor fugi- entem fequi- cur, fegerntem fugir. T H E E P I S T L E the PrefTe and dedicate it (in his name) to your felfe , as a pledge of his avowed thankefulnefle for thofe many favours bee received from that Religious and Renowned * J v i G a , his Noble Patron : and from Your felfc , his immediate heire and fuccef- four. This requeft fromhim (that woulddeny me nothing) Iknewnot how to withPcand,though I wrong'dmy felfe in the acceptance ; as to draw a line in that Worke,from which fo rare aWorke-man had taken offhis learnedand eloquent pen. Butyeta neceffitylay upon me; for he de. fired inhis fickneífe, that by this Dedication it might ap- peare to the worldhow much hee honoured your felfe and family, which firf} preferred him. It was no fmall joy tohis heart to fee that fpeech of Godhimfelfe fulfilledupon your Houfe , Thofe that ho- nour mee I will honour. It is fit the world Ihouldknow (that it may blufh and mend) to what eminencyofplace the meere meritsof Inflict X,icolls in that fhort race of his life rais'd himunto. Called hee was by the Writ of' ',eene ELIZAT ET I to beSerjeant at Law : He was by King IAMES made Serjeant at Law to Prince' HEN RYHis eldell Sonte : Judge of the Com- mon Pleas,andChanceltour toour (now) Gracious Sove- raigue, when heewas Prince of Wales But that which truly ennobles his memory ,andmakes me call tominde what our Fleta reporter] was the honour of Judges a- bout King E `D W I RD the thefirli's dayes Heehad and held all thefeplaces Neeprece, nee * precio, net. præ- mie. I amnot afraid to englifh it , for I well know the truth of it : He neither begged them, nor bought them , nor gavefo muchasa New-yeares -giftfor them. The like I can truly fpeake of your felfe; Thofedim nities which have beene call upon you in your owne Country (fence he was taken to glory)which are neither few nor mcaaec : they came to you ; you fuednot for them; *youfought themnot a Nay , you, degradedyour felfc

DEI%ICATORY. (elk ofone ofthem(a thing not ufuall)by making earneft fuit tobe out of theCoanmifFion ofOyer and Terminer, after youhad a while indur'd it. From hence (as T have good ground to conceive ) would this worthy Aurhour have mounted you up on Eagles wings to the Throne of theHigh& ,whobath done thefe and gteater things for you , and have preit upon you large and high performances. Ifever there were a time for Righteoau Men that are in authority to Phew themfelves , the time is now come. WaneChri- flians , their very perfonsand accons arc bythe abound- ingof finne become a very Parable ofReproach; d com- pany ofBlocke_heads, as a melancholyDivine cgs them. If thole therefore that are in place fhouldnow be filent, it ispitie but their breaths fhould bee ftopt for ever. I have obferved it long , and not without wonder , (looking upon former times) that in there dayes fuch a fpirit of feare and faintnefle bath poflefied the hearts of holy Alien , that they dare notbee couragious in the caufe of God. It is noorange thing for a man tobee fearefull in the Darke : But when fuch a light(nines upon us from heaven , as that our eyes are even dazelled in the behold- ing of it ; now to be timerous , now tobe faint-hearted in a good caufe for feareofmen , or any fuch ignoble re- fpect ; is r onlircue co:rardize. What is there in the face ofman, made ofthe fame mould tolled to and feo with the fame vanity, refoluble into the fame Clay : that we fhould feare it ? What is outward preferment , to the lofie , or certaine hazard ofagood conicience ? For, they are rarely kepttogether : what are mockings, revi- lings, reproaches, imprifonment, &c. togodly men ? but deeper impreffions of flrieter holineffc , and the very marks ofthe LordIefu . Thename of Chrillian is a name bothof Honour and Valor r, and begets better fpirits than either Romanor Grecian ;let cillachiaved and other Atheifs fay what they will. which of their ftories ever madementionof a 2 fo Iraq 40. 31, Degeneres ax.. irnos timor arguit. Pfal. 146.324. NccChriftla- ni ultrádurare aut effe potíù. mas, ti ad hoc ventum eft, ut perditorum minas atq; in. lidias perti. mefcamus. Cfp. Lib. t. Epift 3. ad Corn. ©portuit la divinis caftris milites Chri. Ri : ut no1 mi. ria: tcrreaat, nec ceuciatus & tormenta devincant. typ. tiäi. z. cap. 6.

THB EPISTLE fo valiant an army, as that Noble ArmyofMartyrs, men- tioned in the eleventh Chapter to the He6rerres ? How can they want fpirit that derive their courage from no lefíeAuthor than the Lionofthe TribeofIuda. Nay , it were no hard matter to prove , ( might Irecede from an Epi(ile,to puriliea Common place) That no man canbe truly valorous ; but he that is truly religious. As this Courage ought tobe in all that feare God : fo fpecially in thofe that are Magilirates , and fit in the feats of fullice, the very Tribunal's of God himfelfe : For them tobe dallardly and fearefull, is to fhame their Ma- iler. Give mec therefore leave , by fome warrant from the Author , in your perfon ( whom Icannot but com- mend in this particular) to preffe this verrue upon all that beare rule in their Countrey. It is part ofthe offence of Inflice of'Peace, tobe a man ofCourage. The coun- teal sa., fell of Iethro to Mofes , was , tomake onely filch to bee *Or,able men, Magil}rates , as weremen of* courage , fearing God, &c. in th ca¡t trap- Wherein the Spirit ofGod preferres the daughter before Priors. the mo*her, and Fortitude before the Feare of ç o D of which itis the effet`l, becaufe it is more confpicuous in the eyes ofmen : For the feare of God is a thing bidden in theheart , but that which drawes it forth and makes it illu(irious , is that valour and high refo'utionof fpi- rit by which it worketh. Almighty God makes this good by an example of his owne choice. For when bee had appointed lefhua to fucceed cMofis, andhad mighti- ly fitpported his mindwith arguments ofhis owne aßî_ fiance and prefencewithhim, herequires nothing elfe of him, but to be Prong and of a good courage , witn many iterations of the fame thing in fuch phrafes as thefe, Be Ieth: I.6, 7, ffreng andofagoodcourage, be very couragioue , be nor a.. y, , s. fraid, be not difmaidr And , as if therewere noother ver tuedcfireable ina Magilirate, the people (in accepting him for their Captaine) reclaire ofhim noother conditi- on but this, Onely beffrong, and of a good courage. And the Law of this Land, which in this , as in snort other things,

DEDICATORY. things , is parallel' with the LawofCod , ( as I could Thew) wouldonely lace thofc Nikes of Teace , which 4-srar.34. .;. are the Inca * valiant wenof the County. ca in rlr I fpeake not this to exclude all thole requifìtes ofwif- dome otá tar, ar that ought to bee in theholieft and molt valiant large.;, men. I may fay in thefe titres as the Apoftic faid ofano- ther vertue ,There isgreat reedofreifdcme, The children Heb. io. 36. of God ever have bcene ,1ü11 arc, and ever tray bee the wifefi men upon earth. Let an unwife world thinke what it lift. I mean not that wifdome (falfly fo called) wherebya generationofmen to fave their sktnnes , han- dle a good caufe like a Veniceglaf fe , loath they are to doeany thing that may offend great perfonswith whom theywould comply : or expofe themfelvcs to any dan- ger or lofle. (Thevery wifdome which caufed Francis Spira to defpaire.)This is rather cunning or craft : or,to linke them together in the larguage of the Apoflle, d conning craftinefe, it is not wtfdome. True wif- b Eph.4. ¡4. dome in the morali Schooles of Philofophy , and in the purer Schooles of Divinity , is that Qeeneof virtues, which, like the foule inthe body, giveth life and' infor- e Anima eû oration toall the ref} , commands all the affcetions , regu- tota in toto,& lates all the actions damns life,and addsanaetive quick- tota power , to everyvirtue , to every faculty in man, directing them to a blefted ifTue. So that a wifeman is a valiant man , ajkff man , a temperate man, anbumble man , &c, But bee that is addieted toanyvice, a fer- vant to any luft ; proud,angry , ambitious , fearefnll, cove- cl Arilletk6.; torsi &c. is in all found Morality and Divinity a very itbic. foule : Solue vir boner ( faith that great °Phylofopher) Et bolus pru-1 revera eft prudens , pnely agoodmax as a wife-man. And dens Cetera eft King Salomonmakes this Pbilofophygood'`Divinity,Pre. vrr bonus :cone try ílolidik M. Verb. 4. wifdorne is too high forafools : by whom itnprudentes throughout the Proverbes bee manes a wicked man. Punt mali. There is a connexion in the virtues, the way tobeewife, Keck. Oft. x- is to begood , and the tobe coaragicsu, isto be wife, rhic. Lib. r.cap. A wifematt uftrong, and aman of notrlcd e faith ;Salo- g'p' f k. g ( Pro, ,1448.;.! a 3 anon)

T E P I S T L E tom) encreafethPrengtb. From all which it is cafie to conclude , and hard to be gain-laid , that a cowardly per- fon , let him fwell never fo big , let him carriehis cre(} never fo high , is neither wife norgood. The wicked flee Prnv. 23. Is whenno manpurfueth,but the righteous areboldat a Lyon. The kindly venting of thole twoaffeftions of finger and Lovebath made mee low,. this argument, and mu`è now bee my excufe. That of Anger, at the prefènt dege- neration of mens mindes from that noblene[%of fpirit that was wont to bee in the fervants of G o n : the other of love to you , in encouraging you to as high refolutionsas ever; though hee bee taken away that was to youas Olofes to Iofhinab, your tutour in your youth, your fingular infiruttor by his powerfiill Mini(}ery in your after-yeares : and ever your friend till bee went hence, and was feene no more. Among(} thofe many fpeechcs of his , which in his ordinary conference pafl'cd from himby weight, and not by number ; I will re fume one inyour hearing moll fittingmypurpofe : Inno-. ceneyandindependency (faid he) make the braveft fpiritr, And it cannot be otherwife : for, that mans heart which is upright with G oD , and depends upon him alone, is ól invincible courage, and becomes like the fpirit of Martin Luther , who, when neuves was brought tohim that both the Emperour and the Pope threatned his Tovita Lu- ruin , anfwered thus in (hors , but very ftoutly Cheri. Contempttts eft .i me Romanner furor & fervor , Ifcorne PCaI.. 108. 6. the wary? the `Pope can doe : like that of' `David, The L o it D to on ray fide, Iwill notfeare what man can doe tento mee. What youheardhim fpeake, you faw him praelicc; Iudo. a. 2 }. For, I may fay ofhim as was fard ofOdeon Such as the man io ,fo is hisftrength : hee was one ofa thoufand for piety and courage , which were fo excellently mixed with wifedome , that they who imagined mifchief a- gainft his. MiniE ery ( for, lao. other occaaon could they ever

DEDICATORY.' cvcr lindeagain(} himthan touching the lawofhis (-' on) were never able bt all their plotting to doe him any Dan. 6. s. more hurt, than ()rely to flew their * teeth. And although bee bee now gathered to his Fathers, * Pfal. ; 7.Iz. yethe (fill fpeakes to you in this excellent Treatife, of which leedied in travel! ; encouraging you thereby ()Lill to doe worthily in Ephrata!', and to hold on in thofe good Ruch 4 z r. wayes of piety which you have ever loved. The very Heathenscould fay thata goodman was a riblike good : çnsic cirAP but a K0 good Magi(trate is much more ; for lire bath a e'6 04ä71ß. price in his hand todoe good , and is armedwith power 'aar. and authority to bring it to palie. Thefe times have need of fach : up therefore and bee doing put on rightcoufnejfe , and let it clothe you, and let Jv sr t c s Job 29.14,&m bee to you as a robe and a Glide= ; to breake the jawcs of the wicked, and to pluck the prey out of Regium eft their teeth. And although tilde kinde of n'en will for cùm bcnc feces this very thing purfue you with envy , hatred , re- ris malè audi. proaches, &c. You neednot care; for, their teeth are re. sea. broken , and they cannot hurt you. Envy doth ever attend godnefe ; though not as a companion . yet as a thing which deggs it at the heeles. I conlidered (faith Ecc" . 4.4. Salomon) every right worle, that for this a man it en- vyed of his neighbour. This is your comfort (anad it is a great one) a G o n and the b K i x G fhall honour apfalme g z. you for well-doing : Hee that lovetlo ptsrene1Je of heart , 14, z S, &c. t (though for this hebe fcoffed and ¡eer'd at in the world) mitllet him on yet (faithSalomon) forthegrace ofhis lips the King ¡ball higha,hbecaufee bee his c friendr, my name, 1 will deliver bim andhonour him , a?'c, b Pro,. zz. z z. e 1 hold agood luflice of Peace in his Countrey to doe Mee as good fervice,as bee that waitsupon Mee in MyPrivy Chamber, and as ready mill 1bee to reward him : For,1 account him as capable of any bonour,of ,lice or preferment about MyPerfon, as well as any Courtier that is neere about Mee. K I N G IA lY E': Speechin Starre-Chamber,June ze, z6z6. a 4 I

I will hinder you no longer from reading. his excellent Treatife which properly belongs to you, being the ground-worke of two Sermons preached before you ; theone at theFuneralis of'that worthy J vD GI your Unklc, my deare Father in law . (who.n I honour in thedull) theother in the time ofyour Shirevaltry : I will therefore endall in the prayer of this Authour, and the laft words that ever he fpakc to you in this world Theblefings. ofAbraham: , Ifanc, and Iacob beupon the heedsofTow ,joter Wife and children for. ever.. .14,11411e-?`eanple;, MaJaE.63.2. T,2iR Tour loving brother 4ndwer)friend BTTYARD BAGSHAIM

44-V3=# 04' VeNAlft:iln TO THE READER, Ehold here a Poll-humus : a Child brought into the -world after the Owne Father was takenout o f the world. AEoffer-Father is thereupon required for it ; but certainly,moreforcuflonv,than need. Suchwas theOwne-Father, as it is comps, nda- Lionenoughfor theOdd tofay,This is the child offuch aFather.Andfuch is theChild;d4' for its ovinefakeit findgood entertainment,though the Father ofit wereunknowne. Adiflint narrationofthe lifeanddeathofthe Authoryouhave trulyandpunl=tually (as becona- methfdch anarration) prepsfed. AlibisWorks doethew that hewas full inwhat be undertooke : fo full , as he leavesfcarceany thing (ifany thing at all) foranother Author to add,more thanbe bathdone,towhat hebathdone. Ikehada rvery Parching and divinggift : whereby bewas able toanatomize and lay open thefeverallpartsandnerves ofthepoints 'which be handled, and tofet out pertinentignes,rules, mews ,andmotirves thereabout. His exprefsion o fbismind by fit words and phrafes

phrafes was anfwerabk tohis inrvnetion. Both rvery copious , full ofrvariety, Take for infiance this enfifing Treatife : the mainefcope whereof is tofurnilha Chrifilan a- gainft the evillday, 7bereinyoumayobferrve, how,on theonefide hedo-versthefalfemeans -whichmoli ufe ; and how , on the other fide he revealeth the true mcanes that areoffingular ufe to the end inten- ded ;yea.andhowhe infOrcetb thefamewith rea- fonupon reafon , the better todemonflrate the equityofthepoint; howalfohe interres allfortsof Vies thereupon ; asReprehenfion, Exhorta- tion, Direa-ion, andConfolation andfinal- ly , howhee takes occafion from thence ofanex- ceeding largedifeourfe up6 thefoure laft things, which (to lifehis ownewords) have been ever holden very materiali andof fpeciall MO- mentto makeus (by Gods Welling) more humble,unworldly,provident andprepared for theevill day. Thofefiureheads are,DEATH, IVDGEMENTI HELL, HEAVgN. To addmore to what hee bathl'et outthereat-. bouts , were to poivre water into theJ'ea. Firli read,thenjudge )andtheLordadd bis blefsing. We G.

)fi5w =LTA THE LIFE ANDDEATH OF Q.M.BOLTO,N:. Hat one age may tell ano- ther , that the memori- all of the jiff' [hail bee ever bleffcd , when the perlons and names of thofe that are other- wife minded fhall rot and vana away ; It hath beene the pious cuftome of ancient and later times , to commend to pofterity the eminent graces of the Saints depar- ted. Famous are thofe Panegyricke O- rations made at the Tombes of the Mar- tyrs in the Primitive times . when as their perfecutingEmperours,priding them ['elves in their lamentableDeaths , have left no o- th,:r

TheLifeandDeath ther noyfe behind them, than the loudand long continued cries of fpilling their inno- cent bloud. Memorable alto are the Funerali Orati- onsofthe two Gregories , lSTyffen and NaKi- ans,en onBail theGreat ; And in latertimes, togivea few inflances, ( for thenumber in thiskinde is infinite) Melanithon andCame- rarius wrote the IifeofMartin Luther; Juni- us thelifeofYrfitae ; Bev the life of Catrin; Anteniuts Faittsthe lifeof Bea; fops Simler the life ofPeterMartyr;and D,Humphrey the lifeofourmoff renowned lemell. Thismannerof honouring the Saints is warrantedby Gans ownsexample; who (forought isrevealed to us) tooke order for. Mofes buriall , digged his grave , covered him withmolds, and made for him that ex- cellent Funerali Sermon expreffed in the firLL Chapter of lofhuab. And that all-wife Gon who fweetely difpofeth all things, thinkes it needfull thus tograce his owne people, that hee mayhereby uphold their fpirits amid thole many preffures, fcornes, reproaches crueilmockings and innumerable other

of Mr. Bolton. other miferies which they endure of the world, meerely for his fervice ? bee they o- therwife never fo wife,jutf, meeke ,peacea- ble, and unrebukeableamong men Wit- nefíe tholemany terribleperfecutions(men- tioned in Ecclefiaf`licall. Stories) againfc the ruf4 éH ifi. Chris?fans, thoughharmleffe and innocent, though they prayed for their Emperours, and G o D did miracles in their armies by their prayers; yer for this onelycaufe , that they honoured Cult'sr, and called them. felyes Chriflians, (foodiouswas that preci- ous name unto their adverfaries) theywere put to theextremeff tortures that the utmoff inventions ofcruelty and rage could devife againff them , as Iufin Martyr andYerrullian in their learned and eloquent Apologiesfor them doe amplydemonfirate : this caufed Adrian theEmperor toordaine,thatthence- Eureb. Lib; qÿ forth none of them fhould be appeached cap' 9. barely forthat name ,unleffe they tranfgref- fed the Lawes, According to thefe examples,and for the very fame caufes, [ have adventured to publith tothm orld , the lifeand death of this

x rim. r, 4. gild birth. The LifeandDeath this man of GOD s the Authour of this Worke, now a Saint inheaven.Iconfef°ehis worth &parrs deferved rat her an advance- ment by Tome inch eloquent Orators as I mentioned before, than a depreffionby-my pen; but yet a pearle may beefhewed forth aswell by aweake hand,as, by the arme ofa gyanr, Ifhall doe nomore. And let hisowne worth andworkes praifehim in the gates. t knewhim from the beginningofmy youth, beingmy firft Tutour in the Vniverfitie of OXFORDS a-nd my felfe one of his firit Schollers, and from that time tothe day ofhis death, being above (wetland twen- tyyeares, noneknew him better, or loved hire more; our familiarity was fuch, that ( alluding ro that betweene Pauland Timo- ehy) I may fay ,1knewhisdoctrine, man_ nerof life, faith,charity, patience 3 and now wil only relate whatI baveheard and feene, wherin I will not exceed thebounds ofmo- deifyortruth. Tobeginwith his birth; I obferve that throughoutthefacred Bible, and writings on theperfonsof holymen, their places of birth

of Mr. Bolton. birth are ever remembred ; G o D loves the veryground his fervants tread on : The Lo aD hall count ( [ayes David) when hee Prat. 8,. 6e nurnbreth up the people, that this man )Nas borne there ; whereas of other men there shall be no remembrance of them , they (hail havenone tolamentor bury them, but (hall becafe forthas dungon the face of the earth : fo that I may fay oftheni, as was Paid of Pope Boniface the eight, famous for no- thing but his wickednetfe; intraTit Vulpes., regna-rit Leo , exi'it Canis ; the Prophet Darvid renders it thus in plaine Englifh. They fpend theirdayes inmirth,andfuddenlgoe dovne into hell. Hee was borne at Blacborne a towne of . good note in Lancafbire on WhitfUnday, Cara. Brit rag. AnnoDom ni 157z,. His parents being not of 's ' any great meanes, yet finding in him agreat towardlineffe for learning, de(linatedhim tobee a Schuller, and ftrugl.ed,with their eflate to furn that kind , apprehending the advantageofa fin- grlar Schoole-Mafler that wq then in the Mr. Fares. Towne, Heeplied his booti a fa well, that in (sort

Luke 2. 46. TheLifeand Death fhort timehe became the belt fcholler in the fchoole : and no marvel.' ; for, hee had thole fix properties of a fcholler noted by Ifocrares and others , which concurring in one, thrufi up learning to a veryhigh ele- vation, t. Hewas (E vgrç) ofexcellent parts and abilities ofmind,and ofa found constitution of body. 2. Heewas ( ofa very firong me- mory ;1 meane fuch a memoryas was no tably aáuated byhis ready andquicke un- derfianding. For , (as PhyloCophers ob- ferve) that memory which tends to admira- tion, being ofa quite differingtemperature from the underfianding , inclines rather to folly ,and becomes thegroundofthat Pro- verbe , The greatef1Clerkcsarenot al'wages the 'AVM' men. ;. Hewas '(z,77,7.4 ) a mooverofdoubts and quettions this was ever an evident figne oflearning; 'by this our bleffed Savi- our approoved His learning amongfi the Dodours inhearing them and asking them queftions: did the QueeneofSheba to King

of Mr Bolton. King Salomon. A dunce feldome makes doubts ; but (as Salomon faithof afoole) al- waies boaffeth and is confident. 4. Hewas ( ) a fpeciall lover of learning;it was alwaies his delight to exec, cifehimfelfe in fludies, and wouldnot en. dureanyaverfions fromthem , as (hall bee hereafter (hewed, g. Hewas ( a very laboriouspain.- fuIl fhudent,as fhall be more largely [hewed, forit is worthy imitation. 6. He was (9,Añxooc ) agreat litiner after the fayings and fpeechesoff others, andbath beenoftenobferred tobeonlyahearer,and tofit filent himfelfe, unle[íebee was urged with fome importunity ; and the thingsbee heard , bee fuffered them not tobee loft (if theywere of worth) but alwayes put them downe in abooke which heparticularlykept for thatpurpofe. He continued long at Schoole,and carne 6. not totheyniverfîty till about the twentieth Hi: /ludic;in coln Col- yeareof hisage. Hee was placed at Oxford le Lidgne. inLincolneColledge under the tuitionof Mr. Randall a a man ofnogreat note then, but b after-

8 The LifeandDeath afterward became a learned Divine and godly Preacher at London. In that Colledge bee fell dole to the iludies of Logicke and Philorophie , and byreafonofthat ground- work of learninghe got at fchoole, and ma- turity ofyeares , bee quicklygot the flail of thofeofhisowne time, and grew into fame in that Houle. In the middeft of thcfe his ftudieshis Fatherdied,and then his meancs failed, for all his Fathers lands fell to his el- der brother now living ; but this croffeby GODS providence prooved a great advan- tage to him for his growth in learning, though it put him to monftrous paines of bodyandmind : for nowwanting mcanes to buy himhookes, he borrowedofhisTu- tourandothers the belt writers on Naturall and Morali Philofophy, and the Politickes, and read them ali over, and abridged them allin4lisnote books, which are now tobee feene , and then returned the books to their owners. Nay , full a defire bee had to at- taine aperfedion in the things hee ftudied that though heewas very well skilled in the Greeke tongue, yet that flee might attainean exa6t-

ofMr Bolton. 9 exatneffe in it hedidwith intolerablepains writeout withhis owne hand all Homer, (or ,F efiod I am fure)for I have feene it (thóu h longfitce) ina faire Grcekecharader ; for bee wrotethat languagebetter than hee did either Englilh orLatine; and asking him the reafon ofhis paines, bee toldme,itwasonly that hemight accent perke ly.Thisbrought himto fucha readineffe, that fleecouldwith as much facility ayourfe in the publike Schooles (forhe was a famousdifputant)in theGreeke tongue, as in the Latine or Eng- 1ith : an ì in there all , bee wrote and fpake SWiloirperarc rio, as Lipj«s cals it, rvi, ahigh and lofty flile , whichwas fo familiar tohim`, as thathe couldnot avoid it in ordinary con- ference. From ,Lincoln Colledgehee retnnoved. to 7; &rafen-Nofe: For, by the Founders of that in brajen-nori Houlemofi ofthe Fellowfbips therein were " ordained forLancafhire-andGhriremen,but corimming to that Golledge having but few friends, hee flayed longwithout a Fellow- fhip ; about which time (that I may not bu- ry influence the charitable as of fuch men b z whom

IO, The LifeandDeath whom their learning and piety have made eminent) it pleafed M. D. Bet, knowing. his deíerts, and perceivinghim to languifh for want of meanes , moff bountifully to contribute for his reliefe, and by his an o- Aman offin- thersbountie, with force mall (Upends hee gular eminency far learning and had forhis Letures-in that Houfe, lice was piety. uphelduntill hehadgot aFellowfhip,which fell out about the thirtiethyeareof his age, at which time hee commenced Mafia. of Arts; and thenby the Fxercifes bee perfor- med in the Houfe and abroad , being Re- gent Mafter hegrew into fame , andwas fill fucceffìvely chofen tob .e Reader of the Le- dures:of Logicke, and Morall,and Naturall Philofophy,(as by the StatutesoftheHoule theywereappointed tobee read) which bee performed fo ílridly, and with fuch éxad- neffe, as that hee got credit and applaufe with thebee, but forne envy with his fuccef- fours , tharbryhis example werenow provo- ked roa morefrequerit and painful' reading ofthem., which werefeldome and Lightly performed before. And fuch was his e- ifeeme in theVniverfitiefor hispublike dif putations,

ofMr Bolton. Id putations, whichbee ever performed with fuch readineffeand acutenefle offpeech and wit , and fuch profoundneffe of learning, that when bee was a Mailer ofArts but of fmall flanding, bee was chofenby thenow LordArch-Bifbop ofCanterburie ,Vice-Cbancel- for at King I Aids s His drfl comming to that Vnivertity,tobeeone ofthe difputants before theKing, and to reade in Naturall Philofophy in thepublikeSchooles.Befides hisknowledge inLogickeand Philofophy, wherein heexcelled , hewasalfowell fludy- ed in theMetaphyficks andMathematicks, and in all Schoole-Divinitie , efpecially inThomas Aquinas, which hehad read over once or twice, and hadexatly noted him throughout,asmay appeare inhis notes. But all this while (or for the mollpart) thoughhewas * very learned,yethe was not good, bee was a very meane fcholler in the fchooleofChrifl,he drewno religiousbreath from the foylehe came,& his matter likean ill feeds-man (owed the tares of Popery in moll ofhis fchollers:thismanner ofeduca- tiomadehim moreapt to treadinany path b 3 than 8. * Zmay tru- ly /ayofbim,as Tertullian of Irene us, That be was curio. fuGmus omni- um dothrina rum explora. tor.

a zufeb.Hift,t. 6. cap, 4a. C9' lib.7. cap. 7. b Preface of K. lames to his EAIAIKQN &S),PON, The LfeandDeath than that which washoly; hee loved Stage- pIayes,cards anddice,he vasaborriblefrearer andSabbath-breaker, andboone-companion, and was ever glad (as I haveheardhim fay) of Cbriirmas-hoÿ-dayes,and marvellous melan- cholicwhen theywereended, hee loved not goodneffe nor good men, and of all forts of people could not abide their companie that were ofa {aria and holy converfation , fuch lice would fetch within the compafTe of Puritans, thinking that by that lawlefle namehehad deprived the ipfo fa5to bothof learningandgood religion. Such agenerali fcorne bath this degenerate age put upon the wayes of G o D, that the nameofPu- ritanwhich is truly and properly the vane of the ' proud heretic of Nowat,P' , or els of the b vile feet oftheAnabaptifts , is for want offeekiMg redreffe by our Ecclefaflicaf Iames,become the honorable nicknameof thebefWand holie(Imen. Thiswretched hu- mour Mr.Bolton further difcovered at Cam- bridge, for being there at a. Commencement, and meerely carried with the fame ofMr. Perkins, went to hemhimpreach, whofe plaine .

Of Mra Boltoll, plaine but very found and fubflaritiall= preaching meeting at once in himwith a curious palate and unfanârified heart; quite turned his fiomacke againft that good man, that he thought him (tofpeake in his owne phi ale) a barren empty felloyv, and aparsing wane fcholler. I have heard many of late ( much of Mr. Boltons temper in goodneffe at that time, but inferior in learning) fpeake the like of Mr. Pei kin but the eminent learning of that man (famous abroad as well as at home) is fo farre above their reach ; that to traduce his worth is to que- I?kntheir owne. And that late learned d Bi- fhop of Salisbury in the defence of his bookeagaintt thecavils of Dr. Bi /hop, bath in manyplaces amplycommendedhis lear- ning So that theprecious name of Mr. Per- kins (hall like an ointment powred forth , 611 all the quarters ofthis land with a freth and fragrantfweetneífe, whennothing (hall furviveofhis Detraefors, but their unfavou- ry and unlearned fpight againft fo holy a man, And Mr. Bolton himfelfe when G on changed his heart (which Y will next write b 4 of ) e c dtfl(eiri2td,s Perkinús do fáßtmur tbeo_ leur, r<eck. 3'y/iz. Pot.díb. r . p. zo8. d Dr. Abhor in his reply to rig.. meo.

4 e He was but little above 4o yeares old whe he died. 9. 13ís converfion. *He was for his eloquence calledGolden mouthed An- derron when he was but a Seholler.. The Life andDeath of) bee changedhisopinionofMr. Perkins, and thought him as learned and godly a Divineas our'Churchhath formanyyeares enjoyed in foe young a man : But I pro- ceed. Whenhee was ofBrafen-NofeColledge,he had familiar acquaintance withone Mr. An- dertonhis Countrey-man,and fometime his Schoole fellow, a verygoodScholler, buta firongPapif 'r, and nowa Popifh Priefl, and oneofthe learnedefl amongi them. 'This manwell knowingthe goodpares that were inMr. Bolton,andperceiving thathee wasin fome outwardWants, tooke this advantage, and ufedmany argumentstoperfvwade him tobe reconciledto the Church of Romeand togoover withhim to theEnglifh Semina- ry,telling him hee fhould be furnifhed with allnecefl'aries,and fhould havegoldenough (oneofthe be{l arguments toallurean un- fiable mindeto Popery) Mr. Bolton being at thattime poore in minds andPurfe , ac -. cepted ofthemotion, and a day , and place was appointed in Lanca(hìre, where they fhould meet , and from thence take fhip- ping:

of Mi. Bolton. 15 pingand begone. Mr. Boltonmet at theday andplace, but Mr. Andettoncamenot, and fo hee efcped that fnare,and Tooneafter re- turned toBrafen-Nofe,where falling intothe acquaintance of one° Mr. Peacocke Fellow of that Houle, a learned and godly man, itpleafed GOD byhisacquaintance toframe upon his foule that admirable workeman- ihi-p of his repentance and conver(ìon to eternal! life, but by fuch away ofworking as the LORD feldome ufeth but upon Inch flrongvefclswhich inhis fngular wifdome hee intendeth afterward for firong en- counters and rare imployments. The firft neweshee heardofGoo was not by a- nyLoft andRill voyce , but in terrible tem- pefls andthunder, the LoR D runningup- , Z, on him asaGyant, taking himby thenecke x 3. , Æ, andfhakinghim topeeces, as bee did lob; beatinghim to theveryground, as heedid Paul, by laying beforehim theougly vifage ofhisfumes which lay foheavy upon him , mime roared for wideofheart, and fo af- frighted him, as I haveheardhim fay , hee rofe out of his bed in the night for very'

6 TheLifèandDeath very anguiffi offpirit. And to augment his fpirituall mifery, hee was exercifed with fowle temptations , horribiliadc Deo ,terribi- liadefide,which Luther calledColaphurn Sata- the ; for as he waspkrallell with Luther in tna. ny things ,as I ¡hall [hew anona: lo was he in thefe fpirituall temptations which were fo vehement upon Luther, that the very ve- nomeofthz mdranke uphis fpirits , and his hl:lanethe. *In";511rinie body feemed dead , Iteccalor,necfanguis, nee fenfus , nec rvoxfuptreget , that neither fpeechfenfe,bloudor heat appeared in him, as luftas Jonas that was by and law ir,report- ethofhim : but this fharpe fit of Luthers tatted but for one day, but Mr. Boitons conti- nuedfor manymoneths, but yet GoDgave him at length a blared iffue , and thefe grie. vous pangs in his fpirituall birth produced two admirable effeds in him ( as well as in Luther)which manytimes enfue upon filch hardlabour, an invincible courage andrefo- lution for the caufeofGOD, in the which he fearednocolours,nor die face orforceof any fecondly, a fingulardexterity in com- forting afflicted and wounded fpirits , as

of Mr. Bolton. 17 (hall bee likewife further (hewed. Vpon this hee refolved to enter into the lo. Miniftery, and about the thirty fife yeare of His ''91 the firi, his agewas ordained Minifter, after which hewholly apply ed himfelfe to the workc of the Miniftery, and improoved all his lear- ning andtime to that excellent end : A little whileafter hewas in theMiniftry, he was by meanes made knownetoMr. IufliceNicolls, at that timeSerjeant at Law, who obferving thecomelinefleofhis perfon and the fluffe that was in him , had it alwayes in his thoughts to adyance him , and about the thirty feventh yeareofMr. Bobona age, the perfonageofBroughtonin Northampton:/hire falling void, bee did by my hand fend for . him fromthe Vniverfity to his chamber at Serjeants Inne, and prefentedhim to that liy ving, at which timeDr. King late Bithop of Londonbeing then byaccident at the Iudges chamber, thanked him for Matter Bolton, buttoldhimwithall, that hee had depri ved the Vniverfity of a fingular Ornament : Thendid beeput out hisfirftbooke,contai- fingAdifcourfeoftruehappheye , which hee dedica.

1$ TheLifeandDeath 119 dedicated to Serjeant Nicolls his Patron, which for thegodlineffeofthematter, and eloquence ofthe fIile thereincontained,was univerfallybought up, and divers havecon- feffed,that at firfl bought it out of curiofity, forCome fweet relifh in the Phrafe , tooke CHRIST to boote and thereby tooke the firfl beginningoftheir heavenly taft, About thefortiethyeareofhis age,for the better fetlingof himfelfe in houfe-keeping upon hisPerfonage, heerefolved upon ma- riage, and tooke to wife Mrs. Anne Boyfe a Gentlewomanofan ancienthoufe andwor- lhipfull family in Kent , towhofecarebee committed the orderingof his outward e- fIate , lice himfelfeonely mindingthe flu- dies and weighty affaires ofhis heavenly calling, in thewhich for the fpaceoftwee. tyyeares andmore, beewas fodiligent and laborious, that twiceeveryLords day hee Preached , and Catechized in the After- noone, in whichCatechifme he expounded the Creedand ten Commandements in a veryexa&manner; And upon everyHoly- day, andon everyFridaybefore the Sacra- ment

of M1. Boltoll a 19 ment hee expounded Ionic Chapter, by which meanes hewent over the greaterpor- tion of the Hilloricall part ofthe Oldand NewTeflamenr. And in them all,aswas well obferved by alearned and grave * Divine * M. rflw;,4 that preached Funeral!, hee prepared birSermona* Ftr,une,,f. nothing for his people but whatmight have ferved a very learned Auditory,and in all his preachings, hee ftill aimed next to the glory ofGOD at theconverfion offoules, the very crowne andgloryofa goodMinifler at the appearing of that great day : and herein G o D wonderfullyhonouredhis Miniflery inmaking him anaged Father in G H R I ST, and to beget many fonnes and daughters unto righteoufieífe; for I may truly fay,ma- ny hundreds wereeither abfolutely conver- ted, or mightily confirmed , or fingularly comforted in their grievous agonies by his Miniflery :forhe had fuclì anart in this kind of relieving afflí&ed confciences , which bee acquired, partly by great paines and iudutry in fearching into that skill,but chief- ly by that manifold experience hee had inhirnfelfe andothers, that he wasfought to farm

2a 12s The Lifeand Death farrcand neere,and diversfrombeyond the Seas dofired his refolution in divers cafes of Confcience , whichwas theonely caule that made himput forth that laft learned and godlyTreatífeofhis,which hee filed; In ßruCtionsfora rightcomfortingaffitted conJci- ences. And though inhis manner ofpreaching heewas aSonneof thunder, yetunto bruited reeds and thofe that mourned in fpirit, hee wasasfweet a `onneof Confolation as ever I heard, and witha very tenderandpitifull heart powred the oyle ofmercy into their bleeding wounds. Hee (as was PaidofLu- ther) was a mighty oppofite to the Divels kingdome, and had a fingular skill todif- cerne his heights and that cunning crafti- neffe whereby hee lies in wait to deceive. Heeverthought that therewas nofuck way to caft downe the ftrong holds of Sathan, and tobatter hiskingdome, than (after the Repsof' John theBaptift) to lay theaxe clofe to the root of Gnne, and to fet it onwith fuckpower , as that the Divell and all hisa- gents werenot able torefill it. By this means he

of Mr. Bolton, z! he got groundofSatan andwaledhis king- dome, and.there s'eredaily added to his Mini- fieryluehwhofe heartswerefoflned thereby.And in all his Sermons, hee'ever ufed todifcover the hlthineffe of finne, and to preffe very powerfully upon the confcience the duties ofSan&ification,inexpreflìonwhereofthree thingswere remarkable in him. r. Such courage and refolution of fpirit as isfcarcelyto bee found inany. I am per- fwaded that in thecaufe of GOD hee could havebeetlecontented with Martin Luther, totiris mundi odium & iinpetum fuginere; to hazeundergone thehatred and violence of the whole world , wherebybee gave fuch vigour unto the truth hee delivered , that it pierced betweene the very joynts and the mar- row. 2. Impartiality hewould (parenone in their(nneseither great or fmall,he knewhe was todeliverhis MafFers vvill with vvhom was norefped ofperfons. 3. His wifdome ashewas ofhighcou- rage, fo vvas it excellently tempered-vvith vvifdome;úefcried in thefe foure things. i. n all

The LifeandDeath all his denunciations againft finite, henever perfonatedany man whereby to put him to fhame, unleffehis own inwardguiltines cau- fedhim toapply it tohimfelfe, 2, Hewould never preffe upon theconfcience the guild- netfe offanne, or other ftrite{point , but hee would fortifie it by Scripture, by theancient Fathers, (inwhichbeewas ripeand ready ) and the concurrence of the belt Orthodoxe Writers, to ftop themouth ofall Panderers that fhould accufehisdorine,either ofno- veltie,or oftoomuch precifeneffe. 3. When bee had fearch'd the confcience to thevery quicke (asbee woulddoe) hee ever offered CHRIST in all his beautyand fweetneffe, and powred it forth upon the confcience with fucha torrent of Eloquence as would have melted the hearts ofany, but thole which obflinately refuted the voiceofthat power. full charmer. 4Hewould alwaies proteft un- tohis people,that it wasa trouble&griefto him topreachagain(} their fins,hedelighted not tovexanyoftheir cöfciences, he fhould beglad the cafe was íowith them, that bee might onlypreach the richesof themercies in

ofMr, Bolton. 23 a in CHRIST all his dayes; But he knewno other way to pull them out ofthe fnare of Satan and flue ofdarkeneffe then the way bee tooke,w'ithout drawing the horrible fin ofBloud<.guiltineffe upon his foule. Butthat whichmade his preaching more illuarious , was that burning& íhining light whichappeared in hislife and converfation in thefe fiveparticulars. Piet . i. HisPiety,wherein I neednot fay much, 6 Eicrté ea eper forthat fecond bookeofhis concerning dim fuit Il Ce homminugç m reEtions for walkirgwith Go D, were framed p oü &ti~` out of the pious Meditations ofhis owne Chiin,.noe rumvita,ue heart,as aguide for himfelfe forthe ordering Cemper edam of°hid fteps in the wayes of righreoufneffe , 'n ° caíliflimimo. which hee fo flrióìly obferved throughout ribris tamcn a- J liquiJpoflis the courfe of his life that '(allowingtohim Alcrare his frailties and infirmities , which theho-A ßßp. 6401.'" lieft menwhile theirflefh is upon them !hall b sanEtorum vitam inveniri not be freed from) j het could not bee uftlI '° fre dici.mus line taxedby any,no nothisvery enemies (ifhee fine imine lead any fuck) of any groffe and b fears- autem quire vivere exií} dalous finnes Pincehis firfl converfion from mat, non is agit ut Peccatü them. And no marvell ifhee attained to nonhabeas, fuch aheight ofholineewhen hewas lifted non fed ut acciveniana pl t. up Aug. ERCU r,

.,-,---_--- 24 Tria Ea,ciunt Theologarrl ; Oratio , m2di- tatio, reran. tin. Lntber. rbisAuthor vas exerci(éd ix them a/L. Ybicb be thenfitly 401 finely called magrraliaY?El Mt. 126. t. TheLife andDeath up thither bythe wings ofprayer. Hiscon. fiant courfe was to pray fixe times a day, twiceby himfelfe in private, twice in pub- lique with his family, and twice withhis wife, Betides, many dayesof private humi- liation andprayer ever beforethe receiving of the Communion, and many dayes be- fides, for the miferies of the Churches in FranceandGermany, &c., which heeperfor- med with fuch ardencyoffpirit, that as was faidof Martin Luther, Hee ufédfisch humility asin thepretenceofalmighty Go D,butfucbfer- vency andfaith, as ifhee hadbeene talkingwith bisfriend. And G oD heardhis prayers; for, tothecomfort ofhis fouls, a little beforehis death,he heardoft lie*mightyvióories ob- tained by the King of Sweden aainif the Emperour, to theaffonifbment of all the world, that thole eyes which now behold it with joy,do fcarce believe themfelyes in the fruition of it. VFPhen the LORD (faith the Pfahmi{f) turnedagaine thecaptitiityof Zion, weewere like them thatdreame. So indefatiga- blewere the painesofthis godlyman in his private devotions and publike preaching, that

of Mr, Bolton. 25 that being advifed by Phyfirians for his healths fake, tobreake offthe ftrong irnert- tionsofhis fludies; hee rejcâed their coun- fell, accounting it greater riches to enjoy C HR t S7 by thofe fervent intentionsof his minde,then to remit them forthe fafeguard ofhis health : Much like the fpeechof that famoufly learned Dr. Reynolds to the Do&c rs of Oxford, comming tovifit hire in his laft fckeneffe(contraâedmcerely by l u s excee- ding paines in fludie, by v, hich he brought his withered body to a very óxea') who earnefilyperfwadinghim that hewould not perderefubfilantiampropteraccidentia,i. e. to lofe bis lifefor learning, he with a fweet (mile fine- lyanfweredout ofthePoet, Necpropter Zi- ramrvieendi perdere caufas; Noryetfor lo'eoflife lop that dare I, Which isthecaufe Ilirve tyindufiry. 2. For his Gravity,hewas ofa verycome- ly pretence, hee hada countenance fo fine- ly tempered with gravitie and aufieritie , that hee in a manner commanded refpcF fromothers ; in fomuch that many forbare tofpeake oraet unfeemely things in his pre- C2 fence, tuvenaî. Gravity,

The Life and Death fence,that would nothave beene fo model in other company : Such a Majetfie doth grace imprint upon the countenances ofho ly men , that they draw refped from the greaten : this made thofe perfecutingEcn- perors to feare thevery faces ofthofe poore Chriaians that appeared before them And this caufed Conflantine theGreat fo to Soerater lib.:, honor thecountenance ofOld Paphnut11rs 6. 8 though disfigur'd by the loflie of his eye, that hee did often for his delight kiífe the hollow of that eye which was 1oí} for the cauteof C n R Y sr. So true is that of Salo- mon, wifdomecaufeth the face toThine, and the rigour of the countenance to beechan- ged. eale. 3, Heewas veryZealous for G o D, not onely by thepowerof his Minißery incon- verting many,whereinGODhad wonderful- ly bleffed him , but inany publike or private good that tended to the honour ofGOD, to wholegloryhe wholly facriftcedhimfelfe & tl true Ar`u_ all his ffudies, which I canthe more fafely sent that hee ,'aught na.* affirm; in that I know heebath divers times great thingr refutedpreferment from tomeoftheNobi- himfetc. lity

ofMr. Bolton. z7 lily and Prelates ofthisKirgdome, and for no other caufe in the world, but that hee might not be divorced from :hat Countrey where his Mini(}ery was fo much embraced and wrought fo good .fleas. 4 . But icale h oft of Íuch violent motion, that as the ancientPhilofophers fuppofcd of theprimummobile, that if the motion thereof were not finely cooled and allayedby the cc'umChriflallintsmnext to it , it would fet ali theOrbson fire ; and therefore thewale of this Reverend man was alwayes tempered with (ingular Wifdome and difcrction , for though in all his Sermons he prefl mightily upon the confcienceofhis hearers,who ma- ny times like babes childithly wrangled at thebreath v: hich fhouldnourifh them , yet were they never able to rcfiff the authority by which hee fpake , fo that for the fpaceof 2.2 yeares, being the whole time that his Lampoflight (lined in Northampton Shire, hisdoe;'crinewas neverdrawne intodueflion eitherfor errororfchifine : fo fludious was Ire ever of the unity and peace of the Church of ENGLAND whichhee dearely c 3 loved iYtjdonx.

28 The LifeandVBath ebarity. loved that none could juRly quarrell with him, but Papifls and otherSetaries, as alto others that were corrupted with error or evil! life, 5. Lady for his Charity,heewas ever u- niverfaIly bountifull, but efpeciallÿ hee ex- ceeded inthofe publike diltrelles ofGerma- ny, France, 3ohen, &c, and to thofe that flood in true ncede; for the enablingofhim- felfe hereunto, I have heardhim often fay (&he made itevident to me) that ever lince hewas Miniíler ofBroughton, he fpent every ycare all the rcvenewes of his Perfonage ( which wasofgoodvalew) in the mainte- nanceofhis familyand as ofhofpitality& charity ; Andthattheeflate wherewithGod hathbleffedhimotherwife,wasmeerelyrai- fedby thattemporall elatehehad at firiLLet themtherforeofhis owncoatefromhence- forthceafe totraducehim,whom theynever didnor dare to imitate.I am lure theTowne ofBroughton will ever have caute to bieffe GoD for his charity : for when that lamen- table fire was among them , September zi. AnneDomini í6z6. befides the many pounds hee

Mrs Bolton. 29 hee (pent out of his ow ne purfe, hee was a chidemeanes that by theonly fupplyof the Country without any Letters Patentsfrom abovetheir houfeswhichwereburnt downe unto thegroundwere all newbuilr,and their outwarci cflates liberally f tI}ained and up- , held. Nay fuchwashis charity, that though forceofhis owne towne had not onely flan- dered his Mini(iry , but wronged him inhis tithes, yet bee put it up, and never called them toque{iionas heemight, nor everhad any fuite with tb c in all his dayes. So that I may for concluíïon furnme up all this in that wlttie commendation ofNaZianZen on flafil the Great , Ilee thundredin his Dottrine, and i1Uaf, imeór, lightnedinhis conrvetfation. Bafi`ry. This ineflimable treafure it pleafed GoD His ° 14 toput in anearthen veffell, and about the and dca11. beginningofSeptember lafi,began tobreake it by vifiting himwith a au,artian ague; adif- cafe whichbrought CakZìn tohis end , and by thejudgement ofthebe Phyfitians, by reafonof the longand grievous paroxy fines wherebÿ it affli&s , is ever deemedmortali unto oldmen; and fo it appeared to him, C 4 for

The LifeandDeath for perceiving after twoor three fits that it maftered his theugth , heepatiently fubmit_ ted to indure, what by frugling hee could not overcome;And calledfor his Will which hee had made longbefore, and perfe&ing Tome things in ir,heecaufed it tobe laid up, andafterwards wholly retired into hirmfelfe quitting the world, and folacing his foule, with themeditationofthejoyes of heaven, which he hadprovided topreach to hispeo- ple, for having compiled an elaborate dif- courfe, de quatuor Novifsirnis, ofthe foure Ia{t things ,DBATH, IVDGEMENT, HELL and HEAVEN, anargument that fome Ie_ fuites & Friarshavebungled in, and having 6ni(hc.d the three former, told them that the next dayhe would treat ofHeai'en; But the day before being Saturday hee wasvifited with fickneffe, and never preached after: G o D thenpreparing him forthe fruition of thofe inexplicablejoyes whichheehadpro. vided for his people in contemplation, t . His fickeeefl'e though it was long and fharpe, yet heebare it with admirablepati- ence, forhe lawHim that is inWi61e, and his whole

of MrmBolton. whole de',ight was tobee with Hirn, often breathing out fuck fpeeches asthefe whiles the violence and frequencie of his fits gave himany intermiflion, Oh when will this good houre come; when 'hall I be dgolved, when ¡hall d bee -with CHRIST? Being told that it was indeed better for him to bee di1. foived, but theChurch ofG o D could not ¡mitehimnor thebenefit of hisMinifiry.To which he thus fweetly replyed with David : Z. S m. =5. If! (ballfade favour in the eyes o f theLordbee z'' ib willbring meeagaineand/hewmee both it andhis habitation, but ifotherwife s loe here Iam , let himdoe what feemeth good inhis eyes. Being askedby another, whether heecould not be content to live if Q o D would grant -him life, hee thus anfcwered 9 I grant that life is a great blefsing of GoD5 neither will 1 e- glefany meanes that maypreferve it , and doe Vitam hahuit ydeFire tofubmit to GODS D s *Will But of min parienti2 Í heartil m, rem in de a the two Iinfi4itely defire to beedifotved an. to der". be'withCHR1ST. In the time of his fickeneffé there 16. came many to vifit him , but hee admit- ted none but hi intim,ite friends, ufi.a ; a fpe:ch

The .LifearrdDeath 6tme dnt! dtcs fpeech of SaintAu9afthe, whodefired ten gu:tm extree è .day before hee died, none might come to corpore a no- poíalavit him , that bee in thatrimemight the better plentibus, fit himfelfe forGOD. Butto thofe that came ncguts adcum L in rederctur, tohimhegave very godly andwife exhorta- rtiíi ijs tantum hoods qu.bus tions futingto their callin s andconditions medici ad ,n, i fpiciendumin- for although his body was waftedwithcon- crarent, tinuall fits towards the Clofeof his life, yet cúmei utfr- retur refe,`.,io, his underffanding and memory were as a- ét it:r oLfzr- dive and quicke as in the time ofhishealth. Hee encouraged the Miniffers that came to him, to leediligent andcourageous in the worke oftheLor,D, and not to lcttheirfpi- rits faint or droope for any affliction that fhould arife thereupon, To all that came to him,he bad them makeCure ofChriff,before they came to die , and to looke upon the world as a lumpofvanity; He thankedGOD, for his wonderfull mercy to him in pulling him out of hell , in Pealing hisMiniflry with the converfion ofmany foules, whichhee wholly afcribed to hisglory. t7. About a .weekebefore hedied, when his tilvercord began to loofen, and his golden boule to breake flee called for wife,and defi- vatetm nc f dam e4}, cot amni illo tcr- pare orationi vacabat, Pof fìd. de vit. Augztff.