74. Difourfà of true happinefe. ready to tread upon a ferpent,and tohart afide like a broken Bow. But righteoufneffeoffaith Both Band out for the ho- nour of God , andordinarily goes thorow-hich, in good caufes ; come what come can; croffes or calumniations, good report or evill report,menor divels. For it is compleatly ar- medwith confidence of futurehappineífe, andbath fixt the eye upon the crowne of immortality; which ifheaven and earth confpired,theywere not able to pull it outofhis hand, that referves it inthe heavens, for all thofe that fight a good fight, that keepe the faith,andrun withconftancy the race of lanaification. The next point ofthe negativepart ofmy do&rine, is for- mall hypocrifie. 'Which thatyoumay more cleerely under- stand, confider withme three kinds ofhypocrifie : privy hy- pocrifie, gro&hypocrifie, formali hypocrifie. Privie hypocrifie is that , by which amanmakes profefli- on of more then is in his heart. And thisfometimes Both mixe itfelfe evenwith the faireL andmolt fan&ifieda&ions ofGods dearehchildren; and doth fooneh infinuate into a heart bored with the rich treafures of true godlinefíe. For Satan, if hecannot detaineamans foule in notorious finful- nefle,in meere civili honehie, or formalitie, but that by the facred infpirations of Gods good Spirit,it is pulled outofthe mouthofhell, from the flavéayof tin, and courbés ofdarke- nes,into the glorious light& libertyofChrifts Kingdome; he is imagedwith fierceandimplacablefury , and doth ever certainelywith eager purfuit perfecute that foule, both by his owne immediatemalice, and by the cruel' agencie of prophanemen. And iffo be he cannot procure a fcandalous relapfe into groffe finnes ; yet thatbee may in fomemeafure workethe difhonourof God , and thedifcomfort of his no- bleít creature, the twomaine ends of all thepolicies ofhell, hee Both labourto'diftaine the pure ftreames of divine grace inthe foulepuddle ofourcorrupted nature; and at leali to fallen the fpotsofprivie hypocrifie upon the bell a&ions, and the veryfaceofinnocency. This hypocrifie (avi take it) arifeth from fpirituall pride...For when a godlymah, by the great