Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

c..l Difeourfeof true HappineJfè. 25 great worke of regeneration is becomemore excellent , then. t6 hie neighbour ; as indeed he incomparably is, howfoever the worlds eflimation be otherwife: Becaufe the one is, as yet, a limmeof Satan, receiving from him the curled influence of foule pollutions,ofuncleannefle,and lying, ofmalice and re- venge,of pride andprofaneneffe,&c. The other is already a bleffed member ofChrifts myflicall body,continually infpi- red with holy motions andithe life of grace. The one lies polluted in his owne blood, incompaflèdwith the menflru- ous clouts of loathfome corruptions; of all natures, except ()rely the Divell and hisangels, the moll wretched and forlorne ; of the familyofhell heire ofhorrour and defola. tion:The other by the immortal feedofthepure andpower- full Word ofGod,is made partaker ofthe divine nature ;: clo- z Pet. 1.4. thed with the rich and unvaluable robe of Christ juftice;. guarded withan invincible troupe ofheavenly Angels; jufl- ly intituled to a Kingdome of unconceiveable glory, and pleafures morethen the ftarres ofthe firmament in number. The one is a wrongfull ufurper ofthe riches, honors and pre- fermentsof this life;for which hereafter he muff be condem- ned tochainesofeternal! darkenefle , and dungeon of end leffe mifery and confufion: theother, whiles hee continues in this world, is arightfull ownerandpofleflor ofthe earth, and all the creatures and bleflings of God; and when hee departshence,he (hall be made a glorious inhabitant ofthole facred manfions, where conflant peace, unmixed joyes, and blefled immortalitieeven for ever and ever dodwell..Which great differencewhen the godly man perceives,and his own prerogatives, hee is filled with a orange and joyful! amaze- ment and admiration of his owne happinefle; which Satan feeing, who is perfe6ly experienced in all advantagesand opportunities forfpirituall aflaults;,, and working upon the reliques ofmans proud nature, dothcunningly draw him to advance above that whichis meetewithinhimfelfe, in his owne opinion, the worthof his ownegraces and venues. Which that he may convey and prefent to the viewof the world, with anexcellencie proportionable tohisowneover- weenina