Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

Y. a: t Difcourfe of true hgpineffe. weaning conceit, he is forced to admit the fecret and infenfi- bie poyfon ofprivyhypocrifìe; which hee dothmoreeafily at the firft entertaine, becaufe the peftilence and bitternefle thereof is not difcernable by reafon of the predominancie and fweetneffeofthe frefh prefent graces of Gods Spirit in his foule. But whenby afinionsor difgraces, by forne ex- traordinary tentation or particular checkes from the Mini- ftery ofthe Word, theughnefhe ofit is difcovered to his con- fcience; he for ever abhorres it, as a confuming canker, that would fret out theveryheartof grace,andextinguilh the life offinceritie ; and therefore with much humiliation and fer- vencie doth pray againft it,ftrive againft it, and by the mer- cies ofGodprevale againft it. This kind of hypocrifie belongs not tomy prefent pur- pole; onely.bythe way let mee give advertifement to the childof God(for to himonelyI fpeake in this point, to the endhe may keep his heart unblameable irrholineffe, andpre- ferve the true relifh and found joy orgood anions entire, and undiftempered) thathe would ffrongly fence his heart with a gracious and unfained humilitie, againft privypride the mother of this hypocrifie; as againtt a clofe undermi- ning, anda moft dangerous enemie ;and the more ferioully and watchfully for thefe reáfons : partly drawne from the nature offin : andpartly from the fiate of his foule. From the nature ofthetanne : Firif, other finnes grow from poyfonous and peftilent routes; as Adultery, from idleneffe; Fanion, from difcon- tent;Murther,frommalice;Telling outofthe W ordofGod, froma prophaneheart; the Killingoffoules,fromNon-refi- dencie; Envieand flattery,from a bale and unmanly weake- neffe of mind ; Violent ambition, from a diftruflfull inde- pendencie uponGod; Scorning ofgodlinefle, from a repro- bate fenfe : but this fin fpringeth from a faire and unfufpe. &ed fountaine , even from zeale, godly duties, and good anions, Secondly, other grolle firmes fpread themfelves. univer- fally over thewhole corrupt matie ofall the fonñe'sofmen; but