Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

Dáfcourfoftrue happine.,e. difpoficion, force for their vertuous feveritie, force for inte- gritie of life,fome for conitancyand refolution in goodnelfe, force forpreferring the unfpottednes oftheir life before molt exquifit tortures.For to ailrthefe he may addeaglorious pro- fellionofthe Gofpel, aperformance of all outward duties and exercifes of Religion,many works ofcharity and monu- mentsofhisrich magnificence. Nay,beldes all this, he may be madepartaker'of force meafute of inward illumination, ofa lhadow oftrue regeneration; there beingno grace effe- &uail wrought in the faithful(, whereofa refemblance may not be found in the unregenerate. This lall point will moil clearely appeare unto youout of the 8. of LHke, and the6. to theHebreare,r. In the eighthofLuke, the hearer refembledunto the ílony ground,is the formali hypocrite; who there is faid tobelieve fora time,and thereforeby the inward,thoughmoregeneral and inferiour working oftheSpirit, may havea teniporarie faith begot in him.lnwhich faith we may confider tiiefe de- grees. Firíl, hee maybe endued with underftanding and know- z ledge in the word of God. Hemay be perfwaded that it is divinely infpired;and that it ismoll true. Hemay feecleerely by theLawofGod, the grievous in- 3 tolerablenelteofhis fumes, and the heavie judgements due unto them. He may be amazed and terrifiedwith fearefull horror and remorfeofconfcience for his fumes. He may givèagent unto the covenant ofgrace in Chrill,as moil certaineand Pure ; and may conceive,that Chrifts merits are ofan invaluable price, and amoil precious reftorative to a languilhing foule. He maybe perfwaded in a generalitie and confuted man- ner,that the Lordwill make good his covenant of graceuntò the members ofhis Church; and that he willplentifullyper- forme all thepromifes of happineffeuponhis Children. F-leemay bee troubled inmind withgrudgings and diflra- etions,.. 35 f