Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

36 Difcourfé of true happineffe. i 2 3 &ions, with reluaation and temples before thecommiflìon offinne,out of the flrength of naturali confcience, feconded with a fervile apprehenfìon of divine vengeance, but efpeci- ally illightned with fome glimmerings ofthis temporarie faith. Much adoe was thereeven withPilate, inward trouble and tergiverfation,before he wouldbebrought to give judg- ment on Chrift. Herodwas forry, before hee beheaded Iohn Baptil. Andthefe men, I hope, were farre lhort oftheperfe- ¿ions attainableby the formalt hypocrite. After a fincommitted, befides the outward formes of hu- miliation, by thepower of this temporarie faith, hee maybe inwardly touched and affeoked with force kind anddegreeof repentance and forrow; Imeane not onely that, which is a preparative to defpaire and hellifh horror, but which may fometirnes prevent temporali judgements, as in 4ckab, and with a flumbring and fuperficiall quiet, fecure the could- ence for a time.And from this faith may fpring fruites:Some kind and meafureofhope,love,patience, and other,graces. It is laid in the Evangelifts,that,tIìathearer (whichwe call the formali hypocrite) receives theword with joy; whencemay be gathered : Firf, that with ,willingnefle and cheerfulneffe, hee-may fubmithimfelfe to the miniflery oftheWord. With forwardneffe and joyfulnefle he may follow andfre- quent Sermons. Witha difcourfe ofthe fufferingsofChrif'c,hemay be mo- ved evenunto teares for compafliionate indignation ; that fo gloriousand infinite innocency fhould be vext withall man- ner of indignities and torments, for the grofle and wilfull impieties of finfull men. He may love and reverence, give countenance and patro- nage to the Minifters, whamhe heares withgladnefle. Fer it is the natureofman, tobekindly andlovingly afleeced un- to him that brings him a meflageof joy andcomfort. Fie may efleeme the negligent,or no hearers of theWord of God, asprophane andof feared confciences, which doe not onely abandon the neceflary meanes_ of falvation, but that