cAr Difeourfe oftrue happineffe. that they maywithmore fecuritie and abfolutene ire reapein this life what fenfuall profit or pleafure foever the world yieldeth, endeauour to banifh and extinguifh all thought and noticeofheaven orholinefle. The Word of God by this temporary faith andother gra- ces may worke fuck a change inhim, as is called the unclean fßiritsgoing abet ofaman : Mate' 2.43. Aflyingfrom thepollteti- ens of the world r 2 Pet.2.2 o, Awafhing : 2 Pet. 2. a 2. And may have fuelspower upon him,thathe may do many things thereafter. Herod is faid tohave reverencedJohn, tohave heárd himgladly,and to have done many things : Mark.6.zo. To thefe for illuftration, and becaufewee are hereafter to confider their differences from a true, entire and univerfall fanaification;wemay adde thofe five degrees incident to the reprobate deb. 6. Firff, bee may bee illightened inhis underfianding, with forceglympfes ofheavenly light. Secondly,.he may have fume taflein the heart of the hea- venly gift. Thirdly, hemay be made partaker of the holy Ghofl, the author and fountaine ofall graces. He may in force rneafure enjoy the good Word of God, . the glorious inflrument ofthe converfion offoules. He may have force tafle and feeling evenofthe powers of the world to come. Nay, and befides all thefe, thatwhich nailes him faft unto formalitie,and makes himwith contentment to walke in a plodding courfè of outward profeflion, is aperfwafion that he isalready in the way oflife,when as yet bee never entred, nonot the very ftep unto it. For indeed bee may bee per- fwaded (though from falfe and rnifaken grounds)that he is rich inheavenly things, and bath needof nothing; andthat he is alreadypoffeffed ofthe Kingdom of grace, and intituled to the Kingdome of glory ; andyet bee moli wretched and miferable, andpoore, and btind, and naked : His- Rate in this. cafe being not unlike the dreameof a poore or hungry man, which in his fleepe filleth himfelfe will, variety of dainties, or 37 Y a 3 4