esa Dffcourfe of twee happinefse. 43 his own experiéce, howtomanage it withnotable cunning; and hefollower this weapon withfilch eagerneflè and confi- dence, that after it is brokenupon the fhieldoffaith; yet bee labours with might and maine to fallen fame fplinter or o- ther, even in the foule humbledfor fin, and vowed unto the fervice ofGod, as I told you in the firft part ofprivie hypo- crite. But I appeale unto the confciences of the childrenof God, whethermany times theworld Both not interpret that tobe pride in their a&ions & carriage, which is nothing elfe but agracious freedomeoffpirit,ariting from aconfcioufñes oftheir innocency and independencie ; whereby they are in- abled to hand with courage againft corruptions and the fins ofthe time, to followgood caufes withboldneffe, with refo- lution todefend a known andwarrantable truth, and indeed topreferre the falvationoftheir foules, before thegaining of the whole world. Innocencymakes them as bold as Lyons : The wicked flee when none purfaéth : but the righteous are Pro:at.t. boldat aLion : And their warrant is out of Ifni. 5 t .verf.7. 8. Hearken unto me yee that know righteoufnefe, the people in whofe heartit my Law. Feareyee not the reproch ofmen, nei- therbeeyeeafraidoftheir rebuke. For the moth jhe llcate them ,rep like agarment, and the worme jhall Bate them like wooll: but my rightccufnejfe jhallbeefor ever , and myfalvation from generation to generation. Independencie holds their hearts upright in all theira&ions,that they are neither fwaidawry by partialities, or fecret ref .tions to wrong ends. I meane not independencie in refpe& of lawes, government, autho- rity, charity, unitie with the Church or the like, I meane no fuch independencie : but inrefpea ofbafenefle, flattery, cor- ruption, temporizing, indire& profecutionoftheir honours and preferments,&c. which are fettersof Satan, bywhichhe confines many to a wretched flavery even in this life, and (without repentance)to enlef'e rnifery hereafter. - Secondly, hypocrite is many times by the world unjuf}ly a laid unto the chargeofthe childrenof God. `David had his full portion in this imputatiö,asappeareth in many Pfalmes. The caufes for this timeI conceive tobe two ; E The