c....4 Difcourfe of trace Happineffe. 49 might out-flep many ofthofegreat Ones in their Projeasof policie,and the precedencies ofthe world : but fith they can- not, theydare not, they will never by the grace of Gad bee foperfwaded ; they are well content with their continual! feaft, a good confcience ; while the others are fatted with their wine and their corne, and their oyle, againft the dayof !laughter: And then at that day they wil change their minds: For goe, I befeech you, into the fan6uary ofthe Lord, and underfland their end; they are now upon the flage of this world in their full glory ;but were they as mightie as Levia- than,as cruel( as Dragons? could they reare their honours to theheight of the clouds ? nay, advancetheir thrones above betide the !tars of God ? yet they muff downe,they have but onepart toplay, they mutt make their beds in theduff; and then when they are once difroabed of their greatnefle and glory,and ftript nakedoftheir honoursandpreferments, and without all mitigation by worldly comforts, left untothe full rage of a flinging confcience; then they change their note,and alter their judgements, and figh for griefeofmind, and faywithin themfelves : Thefe are they whom we fome- time had in derifion,and in a parableofreproach: wee fooles thought their life madneffe, and their end without honour. How are they countedramong the children ofGod, and their portion is among the Saints I Therefore wehave erred from the wayoftruth,ancathe light of righteoufiieffe bath not fhi- ned unto us,and the Sun ofunderftanding rofe not uponus; we have wearied our felves in the way of wickedne% and deflruó ion,and we havegone thorowdangerous waies : brit wehave not knowne the wayof the Lord. But here by the way I mull give this caveat, left I be mi- fiaken in this latt point, or that which folfowes : I doe not divide (by neceflàry and inevitable divorce) ,greatneffe and godlineffe, holineffe andhigh places.; God forbid: I make betwixt them no other oppoftion thenDavid doth in the 73. Pfalme,himfelfe being molt holy and moll honorable. I rather infinitely defire to inflamethe noble and worthy fpirits of all thofewhom the Lord bath advanced in gifts,in E 4 greatneffe, ...!'. .:.,...