Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

Difcourfe oftrue happineffe. plentifully in this worldvouchfafed to the wicked and pro- phane.This appeares, Ter. f a.ver, i .2. Whereforecloth the crap of the wickedprofiler? why are allthey in wealth that rebellioufly tranfgre(7e ? Thou haft planted them,and they have takenroote; theygrow andbringfoorth frteite. Mal. ;. I S. Even they that warke wickednefearefet up, andthey that tempt God, yea they aredelivered, lob 2 t .7, &c. Wherefore doe thewickedlive and w.axe old, and grow in wealth? Their feed is ejlablilhed in theirfight with them,and theirgenerationbefore their eies.Their houfes arepeaceable, and the rod of Godis not upon them. They fendforth their children like fheepe, and theirTonnes dance. They take the Tabret andHarpe, and rejoyce in thefound ofthe Or- gans. Let him therefore, that thus concludes the happineffe ofhis foule fromhis worldly profperity,know and confider, that as the end and rewardof the godly and wicked is diffe- rent inplace and nature (theone being thehighefl heavens, and the highefl advancement of the foule, to the fulnefle of glory andbliffe; the other the lowefl hell , and the very ex- tremity ofthe greateft miferiesandvexations, which acrea- ted naturecanpolfibly endure :) So experience ofall times teachethus, and heavenly Iullice requires acontrary manner ofpaflageandproceding to thefe ends. Thewicked in this worlddoe eafily runne upwithout rub or interruption,many times withacclamations and applaufe, all the golden flepsof honours), and preferments; but upon the highefl Haire they find the moll ilippery flanding, and the top oftheir earthly felicitie is the moll immediate and certaine defcentunto the greatelt downfall. They are roy- allymountedheere upon earth, and gallop fwiftly over the faire and greene plaines of plenty andpleafures; but atthe end of their rate they are overturned horfe and man, and tumbled'headlonginto thepit of deflruetion. They fairely glide over the fea of this world with full faile, withmuch calmeneffe and ferenitie, and richly laden; but in the brigh- tefl Sunfhine, and when they leall fufpeet it, they fuddenly and withoutrecoverie, finke into thegulte ofdarkenefE and defolation. But