Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

, g6 v4 Di fcourfe of irme happixree. (hall confume thevery timber thereof, and the (ones there- of.Neither doth this plague refwithinprivate wanes, but it walks the glory andprofperity ofwhole kingdomes. Be- oaufe of O, athes (faith Jeremy) the land mourraeth, and the Chap. a3. pleafantplacesofthe wilderneffe are driedup: nay, if it were z® pofliible that the breathofthe fwearer fhould reach unto the heavens,it would even faine the glory of the farres, androt thofe faire and immortali bodies, it is infeed with fuch a canker andpefilence; and fo immediately frikesat the face ofAlmightie God. Many other fuch lewd diftin6ionsof finnes there are,framed and followedby the fenfuall,greedy, and ambitious affeaions of prophane men; that theymay more pleafingly to themfelves , and more ploaufibly to the world, compile their ends anddefires No marvel! then though they havethe wickedworld at will. 3 The third reafon of the flourifhingofthe wicked, is, be= oaufe they are men of this world ; and therefore they have only their portionand full felicitiehere. Thereheaven is up- on earth : their pleafures in their life time with the rich man in the Gofpel. For as the everlafling covenant of inward peace,grace, andglory, ispeculiarlycófirmed to thechildren of the Spirit : fo, many times in great meafure the temporali promifes of outward happinefles are performed upon the children ofthe flefh. WhenGod had eitablifhed uponIfaac theeverlafing promifesoflove, mercyandbleffednefe : yet he was content to make Ifmael a great man upon earth. Con- Gen47.1e cerning Ifrnael (faithhe to Abraham) Ihave heard thee; lo, I have b1efedhim, and will make himfruitful!, andwill multiply himexcaedinglj.TTwelve F rincerJhallhebeget,and Iwillmake a great Nation ofhim. Fourthly, and iaftly, the profperitieofthe wickedmakes 4 themmore inexcufable, and their damnation more juf be- fore theTribunali of God. For it is juft withhim tobring a greater meafire of tribulation and anguifh upon them , in whom hismany favours and loving kindneffes have brought forth unthankfulnes & rebellion; & that wrath is molt jufly returned upon their heads, which by defpifing the riches of his