Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

68 f v! Difcourf of true heippîneffe. poffe ion oftrue happinefie, that theyare odious and abho- the fightof God. I told you in the beginning; ifyou remember,that befides outward righteoufneflè, the formall hypocrite may believe for a time.; and therefore by the inward, thoughmore gene- rali and inferiour workingoftheSpirit, may have a tempo- rarie faithbegot in him: andthis faith may bring forth force fruites,fand force kindes ofinwardgraces. But that all this comes (port offalvation, appeares in the parable : For there the hearer compared to the flony ground, which I call the formal! hypocrite , is one of the reprobate hearts upon whom theWord is not the power of Grid to falvation. As for thofe five degrees addedoutofthe fixth to the Hebrews, ofwhich I told you the formali hypocrite may be partaker it is manife'lout ofthe fame Chapter, that they come (hort ofthe 'late ofgrace. For a manbut fo furni(hed , may not onely fall backe to a worfe, and more ordinary 'late ofa re- probate, but even to the depthof all impiety and apoftafy. Hemaynot onlyhave his meafure ofinward illumination, all his lighter joy and comfort in Gods Word quite extin- gui(h'd; but beçomeawilfuli and malicious fcorner oftrue godlineífe.Hmaynot onely grieve, and quench thefpirit; but bee maytread under foote the Sonneof God, count the blondofthe Teftamentas anunholy thing, anddefpight the very Spirit ofgrace: fo thatit maybee impoffible that hee Mouldbe renued againeby repentance. In the Taft place I told you, that befides all thefe the for- mall hypocrite might entertaine a perfwafion of his being in the flareoftrue happineffe; and fo with contentment and fecuritie walke in thepath that leads toeternall death : but howweake añd falfe the reafons and motives to this perfwa- lionwere, Ihave before largelydelivered.It remaines there- fore, that I (houldnow lay downecertaine markesand pro- pertiesofdifference, betwixtthe 'lateof formal! hypocrite andPaving grace: but I muff referrea large 'profecution and dif}ina treatifeofthem to force other place and time. Yetat this timeby thegrace ofGod, I Dull tieliver fo much, that any