Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

44-V3=# 04' VeNAlft:iln TO THE READER, Ehold here a Poll-humus : a Child brought into the -world after the Owne Father was takenout o f the world. AEoffer-Father is thereupon required for it ; but certainly,moreforcuflonv,than need. Suchwas theOwne-Father, as it is comps, nda- Lionenoughfor theOdd tofay,This is the child offuch aFather.Andfuch is theChild;d4' for its ovinefakeit findgood entertainment,though the Father ofit wereunknowne. Adiflint narrationofthe lifeanddeathofthe Authoryouhave trulyandpunl=tually (as becona- methfdch anarration) prepsfed. AlibisWorks doethew that hewas full inwhat be undertooke : fo full , as he leavesfcarceany thing (ifany thing at all) foranother Author to add,more thanbe bathdone,towhat hebathdone. Ikehada rvery Parching and divinggift : whereby bewas able toanatomize and lay open thefeverallpartsandnerves ofthepoints 'which be handled, and tofet out pertinentignes,rules, mews ,andmotirves thereabout. His exprefsion o fbismind by fit words and phrafes