Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

L.4 1)i fcourfeof happine. Cities wandred unto one Citie to drinke water, but they were notfatisfied : and yet they returned not unto him. Hee flume themwithblafting andmildew;their gardens & their vineyards,theirfig-trees, and their olive-trees did thePalmer Worme devoiire : andyet they returned not unto him. Petti- lence he fent amongft them after the mannerof /Egypt : and yet they returned not untohim. Therefore (faith the Lord) thus Will I doeunto thee, .O Ifrael, He fpeakes after the wan- ner ofaman, in whom juft indignation flops paffage unto fpeech ; and who wantswords to expreffe the horribleneffe of thepuni(hments he purpofcs to in$iet : Therefore thus and thuswill I doe unto thee, O frael, even fo as he threat- ned in the beginning of the Chapter : The daies fhall come uponyou, thatyouf/ball be taken away With thornes, and your poferityWithfills-hookzes. As if' bee should have fìid, I will make no more triall by judgements; I will now doe a thing in lfrael, whereofwhofoever fhall heare, his two cares íhá1 tingle; yea,and all his heart-firings (hall tremble; I willnow fweepe you all away with thebeefome of utter deftruetion. This is certainly now juft our cafe : (For tocry peace,peace, where there is no peace towards, is wicked, and tonopur- pofe : tobring conceits and finoothings to this place, will rever ferve the turne ; either for thedifchargeof our confci- ences,or the favingofyourfoules) I fay, this is juft our cafe; wee are even alreadycome to this laft point andperiod. By our many impieties and impenitency, weehave brought our gracious Godto that quethon in the i. of Ifay, wherefore fhouldyee befmitten any more ? for yeefall away moreandmmore. Or rather to this conclufion in the 4,ofAmos: Thereforethus u illIdoeinto thee, Onationnot worthy tobeloved. He bath made triall by fo many judgements, and fo many times, and all in vaine;that thevery nextjudgement we mayjuftly feare and expert, without true and timely repentance,will even be thebeefome of utterdefolation. As the judgementsupon t! 'is land havebeene great and fearefull ; fo many and wonderfull have beene his mercies upon us, and fuch I am perfwaded, as greater the Stinnene- c 4 ver