Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

84 t."1 Difcourfe oftrtaehappine. ned repentance, wee prevent fo great and fearefull judge- ments. And the rather, becaufe wee may affure our felves, while the Divell is in hell,and the Popeat Rome; the Priefts and Jefuites, thofe notorious and tranfcendent inftruments ofblood and death, will be working in the Vaults ofdarke- nelfe for the confiifion ofthechildren oflight, the f ibverfion oftheKingdome ofChriff, and by confequent the ruine of our Church and Common-wealth. Little.know wee, what fearefull and helli!h plot may be even now in hatching and hammering,or how neere it is to the birth,while we are molt fecure:And forus in themeane time,without repentance 'and rooting out idolatry, to depend (till upon immediate andmiraculous difcoveries and deliverances, is at the 'cafe an unhal- lowed anddefperate prefumption. I cannot follow diftinctly at this time, any more difEren- cesbetwixt thefateoffaving grace and formal] hypocrilie. For conclufion therefore onely,I will acquaint youmore ful- lywith the effec°cs offaving grace, and follow in fëwwords the traceand Peeps of theSpirit of God in the great worke ofregeneration ; that thereby every man may examine his confcience, judge himfelfe,andtry what his [tate is. The working andproperty of thisfaving grace and true godlineife, vouchfafed peculiarly and onely to Gods Chil- dren, which doth tranflate them from darkenefle to light, from the corruption ofnature, to a [tate of fupernaturall blef- fedneffe, youmay thus conceive and underfkand. It is like leaven (for fo the power ofGods Word is compared in the Gofpell) it is of a f>readingnature : _ Firfe,it feates it felfe in the heart; after, it is difperfed over all the powersand parts both offouleand body ; over all the adtions and duties cf a manwhatfoever: It foftneth andcharágeth the heart: I t pur- geth the inmoft thoughts : I t awakes the confcience, and makes it tender and (edible ofthe leaft fnne : It fanetifies the affections It conformes the will unto theWill ofGod It illightens the underfianding with faxing knowledge : It Flores the memory with many good ieff ns, for comforts, inftruCtions, and diree`{ions in agodly life : It feafons the fpeech