Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

,--------_-L,af Z)ifceurfe of trite happirsè. thouf2nd moe. Amid which infinitevariety,hc is for tbç ma i part conftant in one point ofpollicie,and that is this:Heco r I ceales his greatefl furie, his moll defperate Ault unto the i tall :lue referveshis ïerieft darts,hisdeadlieft poyfon,hisThar- peft fling, hisGunpowder-plot, untill he meete u§ enout.' deaths- bed.Wherefore, belovedin Chrifl Jeins wehad need ei cry man tobe ftrongly and fourtdlyprepared and armed a- gainit that great and laft encounter withSatan uponwhich depends our everlafting eflate, either in the joyes ofheaven or paines ofhell. O 1 at thatday, (andwe little knc w how' mere it is) it is not our deepe reaches,and'unfathorTre& _poll ties andprofefts, the countenance and patronage of great perfonag2s, our merry andpleafant companions., or the plu--I rality oflivings andpreferments, that can yeeld us any con- I fort or afliflance in that terribleand fearefùll combate, Nay,: though wenow little thinkupon it,all the worldly,Content- meats, thatwe have either direly purchafed, oruncoufcio- nably imployed, hewill then turne unto us into Scorpions. flings,and Worrties.ofconfcience. Onely at that day a-good confcience will holdout as armourofproofe which, as it bathbeen on earth acontinuall feaft, fo then it will be unto usagreatand everlafting Iubideefor evermore.. Bythis timeyou eafily perceive, and lamvery fenfble of the digrefflon I havemade: but I.have done it, onely togive youa tafleofthat partof divine knowledge about tbe,deptlhs' ofSatan, and fpirituall Rateof fanclifie& foules and at ifled confciences ; which I take tobeCods childs peculiar,, and in which the forrrall hypocrite bath little skill or exercife. For thedeepe and divineponderations of this nature upon thefe points,do not much take up or trouble his mind and medita- tions. It is a precious knowledge;., an-holy ex- perience from the pra6life and actions oftrue and foutidre generation ; and therefore it is tranfcendent to his moil hap- py naturall capacity, to the depthof hisworldly wifedome,.. and to thegreateft height of his..fpecglations,;:thoughother-, wife never fo unrverfalland profound. Now asconcerningother parts ofdivine knowledge,. and; I other ,