Difeourfof trite happinefè,. his pratHicali principles, the ;b'.00dy Dielates of the Popeof Rome, that manoffnne,and VicegerentofSatan ; which are fo farre from receivingftrength or*arrant, either from na- ture,ordivine truth, thst they hold ftrong contradi&ion and eternall oppofition to both : and therefore his confcience- is enlarged likeTophet. For it-can without fcruple or remorfe, nay, withhopeof heaven, and a brighter Crowneofglory, ciigeft even the f creel blood ofKings, and fwallow downs with cafe the ruines and defolations of whole kingdomes. Mee canmer:itorioitly butcher hiibrother in the ftreets with prodigious cruelty, as in that horrible maffacre at Paris. He canbedifpenf_d with, and difeharged from oathes, and truth offpeech, the neceffary and foveraigne inftrui ents of all julticeand fociety amonght men. Hemay expea canoni- zation for blowing up of Parliaments, and tearing in pieces 3. theroyalllimbesofthe Lords Annointed, and the ftrong fi- may For I newesofthe worthieft State under heaven : and after faile m'Y Lake confeienee towards thePopi h Paradife, which is indeed the-pit ofhcll, for the ha- tho.ow a feaofinnocent blood, Without any checkor coun- bit of pra- terblaftófconfcience, tlicai prig. Thirdly the civill honefl minboth bis * confcience infor- cipks, as triedwith rules ofnaturail ho.a:.fty, and generall notions of right and wrong, and therewith contents hinafelfe. And Kama cen therefore he frames himfelfe with fober carriage, faire condi- tions, juft and upright dealing towards men; fo that he is ri.calie:1 well fpoken of, and reputed by the world a goodneighbour, co`fcientia, afober wifeman, of harmeleffe behaviour, no meddler, a Pedagogue peaceable man : andthefe are excellent, if not fevered, but , antmæ /ò. ciatus. Ba- ferviceable to true pietyand faxingknowledge. Peace is a fit,natura- precious thing, if it may be purchafed and poireft without to iudica- impeach and prejudice to holine:lè and a good confcience. rorium Follow eace\With all men,- and holineme, i)aithout'Whichnomean amafcen, p 11 lux inteae- Jbìllfee theLord. Peace and holinetie muff goe together: If Our ate!1e. otherwife, it is an holy peace to be at warre with the cox ieron:, ruptions ofthe time and tobe at peke with tin, into warm nun-fr. againft God and his ciwne foule. But the meerely civili ho- ens nett màn, by his praeticall principles, is led nofurther, but Heb.s a, I 4 to . '74