Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

c,í1 DifcourJe of true happineffi. 119 ..1 tationof the foule and hainous pafhages of his former life, but with fhame and horrour. Every folemne reviewofhis time ofdarkneffe and unregeneration, makes the wound of his remorfe tobleed afrefn. By fenfibleneffe, I underftand a quicke andprefent appre-' heniion and feelingofevery fin;whether it be publike or pri- vate, open or fecret, inour felves or others, as well in our thoughts and affaions,as inour words and aations;inour ge- nerall or particular calling,more grofhe and infamous, or flips and fiumblings,fcandals, and appearancesofevill. Habitual' tenderneffe,isa gracious temper and difpofition of theconfcience,whereby it is apt tobe gauled and fmart,at the firft enterviewwith the iniquities of the time, and at every occurrenceofcorruptions and all unconfcionable attempts. Thefe properties oftendernefhe, aptneffe to finart, eafineffe tobleed at the apprehenfion and approach of lin,are peculiar to a confcience illightned,fandified,and purged by theblood ofChrift; never incident to the belt naturall confcience, or furnifhed with the choiceft notions and perfections ofcivili honefy and formality : for tiiefe are never fo ltrait laced, but can let dow ne,at the leaft,withoutdiftafte or check,common Iins,leller evils, thegainful] and honourable errours andob- liquitiesof the time. Hence it is,that all prophane and unregenerate men,want- ing the curbe of a fober and fan&ified confcience, have e- ver infinite advantage, for getting the (fart and preceden- cie in compailing the coinfints, glory, andpreferments of theworld.For they, when the atchievementof anyhorour, happineffe, or high place is on foot,adv î: prefently with the ordinary informers, and counfellors of their confcience, cu - (tome, example, multitude, worldly wifedome, the fway of the times, and fuch like : but with the Word of God and godly Chrittians, onely fo farre as they doe not croffe their ends, andcontradii thofe plots and contrivances, which they have laid for their advancement unto high roomes. And thus_they may pafhe with reafonable quietneffe, without I grudging or grieving of a confidence fo guided, thorow a thoufand.