Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

I2o k./1 Difcourfe óftruehappine, thòufand corruptions end indire&ions, bafeneffe, flatteries, finfull engagements, unwarrantable courfes. Any ofwhich, ifit shouldmeetewith a confcience once foundly frighted with horrour offormer finnes, foftned and íànetified by the bloodoftheLambe, would not onely rubbe off the skinne and gaule it, but make itbleed to death. But worldly men areat apoint, they mull and will enjoy the world ; forhere they have their portionand heaven. They eíleeme it their greatefthappineffetobe admired and adored above others; and therefore venture upon whatfoever unlawfull and indi- reaprocurements, which may bring them to highplaces; rather then they will be defeated and difippointed in the purfuit ofworldlyhappineffe, they will thorow, whether it be thickor thin, right or wrong, force or fraud, [raine of re- putation, or woundofconfcience; Simony or flattery,friend or foe,all isone : though in the arcane time they ítrike their owne poore foules thorowwith many lorrowes; though whenthey aremoft glorioas in their owne conceit, and in the eyeof the world ; in the ¡Lift cenfureofGod, Angels,and found Chriftians they be molt vile and contemptible; and indeed in thisfeeming fain-thine of worldly profperity, they treafure upuntothemfelves ftrange feares and aflonifhments, firares, fireandbrimftone, and fiormy ten:yeíts agaìnfi their latter end. It is otherwife withGods child in filch agiires : He (till takes counfell and direëtion at theOracle ofGod; with Cor- neliur, refolution to heare or forbeare whatfoever is there commandedor forbidden ; and fo followes the comforts of this world, onely fo farre as it will givehim leave, warrant, and ailìftance. But ifhe be to enter any corrupt courfe, or pai thorowany unjuftifable meares, for the attainernent ofhis purpof: and preferment; there prefently comes into his mind fuck conliderations as thefe : He conceives with himf.lfe, that thepaffage into any place ofoffice or honour (by corruption) is ever attended with thecurieof 'God ; and fo no true comfort tobe expected in the enjoymentand exe- cution : That the ref:llefle humour, and proud fviritof ambi- tion