Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

C/1 Drfourfe oftrite happineffé. 1i 3 Streames doe refemble and expreffe the nature and pro- I petty of thofe fountaines whence they fpring : fo ordinari- ly, thoughts and imaginations follow the temper and con- ftitutionof the heart, wherein they are moulded. T fay, or- dinarily for as we doe not paffe our jadgements of the depthofa river, or qualityof the water, when by fuddennes or inundation,or incurfionofneighbour brookes,it isgrowne into a torrent, and become muddle for a while : fo neither arewe to cenfiire or take meafareofoar thoughts, by forre uncouth motions, and extraordinary ftirrings we fometimes feele in them ; but according to theordinary current,and ge= nerall fway,they commonly hold and exercife inour hearts. For fometimes, even theunregenerate may have goodpur- pofes and inclinations towards fincerity, earneff longings for the happineffe of the Saints,and theheavenlineffe oftheir latter end; fame flafhes ofcomfort and perfwafion, though from falfegrounds, that the fpirituall faate of' their foule is fafe and found : but fuch thoughts as thefe in filch men,fpend their life intheir birth ; as they arife, fo theyglide andpail awaywithout all fruit, true comfort, or profit to their owne foules. Uri theother fide, the calmenefle and ferenity of fan. hfied thoughts ina good Chriftian, may ,fometimes be fou- ly difcjuit cd and interrupted ; either by fame fudden erup- tion oftherelikesofour owne fìnfull nature, by violent inva- fon of force enticing obj ee} from abroad, orby themalici- ous, and immediate injeaions of Satan. But besaufe filch thoughts as thefe oppofe againit the generali and fetled pur- pofe ofGods child,hewell knowes, out ofhis fpirituall wife.» dome and holy experience, how to repell and bridle them ; howto repent of them, and pray againft them ; how tò be Ihumbled, andbetteredby them, in fetting aftronger guard, andmore narrowwatch over his heart for afterward,lefi bee be unawares furprized the fecond time. Sith therefore the heart of a notorious limier is hardneffe I it felfe for beiidesnatural obduration, it is yet further, and more fearefullyhardned by a defperate extinguifhnnent of thofe leffr fparks of a generali inclination tocivili honeffy ; by